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Fw: ISBA 2010 applications for travel funding for new researchers


Abaixo segue anuncio da ISBA para apoio financeiro para "new researchers" para
participar do  9th Valencia Meeting/2010 ISBA World Meeting.

O deadline para submissao e' 28/02/2010.
Vejam as instrucoes com atencao.


---------- Forwarded Message -----------
From: "ISBA" <members-info@bayesian.org>
To: "Alexandra Schmidt" <alex@im.ufrj.br>
Sent: Fri, 05 Feb 2010 09:01:09 -0500
Subject: ISBA 2010 applications for travel funding for new researchers

Limited travel funding will be available for students and recent PhDs to
attend the ISBA 2010 world meetings.  Please note the February 28 deadline.

We anticipate support from ISBA funds and from ASA/SBSS for travel support. 
This support includes awards from the Pilar Iglesias fund, the ISBA Lifetime
Members junior researcher fund, and the graduate travel award fund.  We expect
awards ranging from $200 to $1000 depending on location (relative cost of
travel to Spain).  All current students and recent PhDs are eligible to apply.

Additionally, we anticipate travel support for junior investigators from US
institutions (the institutional affiliation counts. Your personal citizenship
or residence status is irrelevant). NSF support is subject to formal approval
and will be available for participants who are within 7 years from completing
the Ph.D. or about to complete their Ph.D. and who present at the meeting
(talk or poster).  Women and underrepresented minorities are especially
encouraged to apply. Subject to formal final approval we expect to support 10
participants with up to $1000 towards travel expenses.

We have applied for NIH support for junior participants who present work
related to cancer research (related work can include research with strong
potential for application in cancer research, such as inference for event time
data, high dimensional data, network models, etc.).

U.S. participants who do not meet these criteria are still eligible to apply
for the general ISBA and ASA/SBSS awards above.

In anticipation of these funding opportunities we invite applications for
travel support  (other than for the Australian and Taiwanese sources indicated
above).  Please send email to Patricia Cunningham, pcunning@mdanderson.org,
using the subject "ISBA travel award".

Please send plain text messages using exactly the numbered items 1 through 7
for US applicants or 1 through 5 for those from the rest of the world.  Please
cut & paste the list, with your information added. No separate cover letter
needed--in fact, please do not send any lest we have to read it :-)

1. Name, email address, home page URL, institutional affiliation:
2. Country:
3. Date of Ph.D. (tentative completion date for graduate students):
4. ISBA membership status:  yes or no
5. Title and type (poster or talk) of your presentation:
6. For US participants (for consideration of NIH funding): indicate if
   your work is related to cancer research. If it is not obvious from the
   title, please indicate in less than 50 words)
7. For US participants:  please indicate if you are a woman or an
   underrepresented minority:

All applications are due by February 28, 2010. The program committee will
review submissions and decisions are expected to be made by March 20, 2010.

These details are available at

ISBA Program Committee

If you no longer wish to receive these emails, please click here:
------- End of Forwarded Message -------

Alexandra Mello Schmidt, PhD
Professora Adjunta
Instituto de Matemática - UFRJ
Caixa Postal 68530 Rio de Janeiro - RJ 
CEP:21.945-970 Brasil
Tel: 0055 21 2562 7505 Ramal (Extension) 204
Fax: 0055 21 2562 7374

Cash your dreams before they slip away.  Lose your dreams and you lose your 
mind (From the "God of Small things").
Gentileza gera gentileza (Profeta Gentileza)