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Pericchi sobre entrevista

Caros redistas:
Recebi a seguinte mensagem do nosso amigo Luiz.


On Tue, Jan 11, 2011 at 10:34 AM, LUIS PERICCHI <luarpr@gmail.com> wrote:
Caro Carlinhos
por favor de uma copia deste e mail ao Caio

You may know that Mr Jerzy Neyman was my supervisor por 2 years at
UC Berkeley. In fact one summer, which is related in his biography Neyman from Life by Constance Reid, it is related his trip to Brasil and his stop on the way back, along with Elizabeth Scott, in Caracas Venezuela, and I was their host. That was 1977 or 1978. They came very enthusiastic from their trip to Brasil and told me to stay related to the Brasileans since "a lot is going on there in Statistics". After these pleasant two days I came back for another semester at UC Berkeley, but Mr Neyman's health deteriorated....I decided to move and finish at Imperial College.... I wanted to share with you two, Caio and Carlinhos, this part of the history....Are you aware of
the book Neyman fron Life?
Abra,cao para Carlinhos e caio
Luis Pericchi

Carlos Alberto de Braganca Pereira <cpereira@ime.usp.br>