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Data Analysis in Astronomy: deadline extension

WORKSHOP ANNOUNCEMENT UPDATE: "SCIENCE:IMAGe IN AcTION" NEW SUBMISSION DEADLINE: January 31th, 2011. OUR APOLOGIES IF YOU RECEIVE MULTIPLE COPIES OF THIS ANNOUNCEMENT ********************************************************************************7th International Workshop Data Analysis in Astronomy <> 15-22 April 2011, Erice, Italy http://www.unipa.it/daa_erice11 CALL FOR PAPERS ********************************************************************************The Workshop is addressed to researchers and Ph.D. students in Physics, Biology, Mathematics and Computer Science. Simulation, modelling and interdisciplinary-science together highlight the key role of system representations. Consistent with new emerging theories and technologies, the present edition "SCIENCE: IMAGe IN AcTION", will be devoted to the representation problem. Representations are likely necessary for humans to understanding phenomena and they may help elaborating theories. They are likely key features of the leaving, where programs of systems are transmitted. Images to represent system behaviors for their understanding prove representations as information supports. That in turns introduces the importance of noise, also latent in biological growth, and sends back to the compressing role of representations. Eventually, the technological burst of "informatics" images spreads them at every stage of any current scientific steps. So that a problem to solve in parallel with most other scientific studies turns out to be "how to master the huge amount of data generated by the least observation". "SCIENCE: IMAGe IN AcTION"aims at studying and discussing instances of the representation problem in Physics and Biology, with emphasis on Astronomy, Cosmology, Earth environment and climate studies. Speaking of imaging and abstraction, we will endeavour to stress links between the various topics considered in these areas. Unifying theories and trans-discipline tools should illustrate the character of universality of pertaining representations. On the other hand, the emergence of artificial agents, synthetic images, data miners and other computed facilities to help abstraction handling, will be discussed both in its genuine aspects and through examples at various levels. Targeted specific topics could be, but not limited to: -inference mechanisms in modelling: from Bayes to self-assembly and perhaps more -data merging: mastering uncertainty, imprecision and incompleteness -perceptual models: scale invariance, quantum physics and geometry, etc. -credible agents: reality, models and (computer) representation of complex systems -multi scale analysis: rare phenomena, data mining and large data bases -virtual and augmented reality to experiment: from computer graphics to virtual observation or computational biology The workshop will be held at the "Ettore Majorana Foundation and Centre for Scientific Culture", Erice, Trapani, Italy. On the behalf of Prof. A. Zichichi (President of the EMFCSC), the "DAA - Data Analysis in Astronomy" Workshops are from now dedicated to "Livio Scarsi and Vito Di Gesù" who were inspiring the series enthusiastically. ********************************************************************************Key-Note speakers: ******************************************************************************************************* Sebastian AHNERT, University of Cambridge, UK Self-assembly, modularity, and physical complexity. Françoise BALIBAR, Université Paris Diderot, France Images and Intuition: the example of Quantum Physics. Gustav BERNROIDER, Universität Salzburg, Austria Common Grounds: The Role of Perception in Science. Luciano BOI, Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales Centre de Mathématiques, (France) Seeing the world from inside: internal (geometrical) and external (physical) representations of dynamical and living systems. Alfred BRUCKSTEIN, Israel Institute of Technology, Israel From Ants to A(ge)nts: Modelling and Analyzing Multi-Agent Systems. Dalia CHAKRABARTY, The University of Warwick, UK Phase portrait of dynamical systems: the governing rule of evolution. Oliver DORN, University of Manchester, UK Data to Images, a shape based approach. Jean-Claude HEUDIN, Pôle Universitaire Léonard de Vinci, France Reality, Models and Representations: the cases of Galaxies, Intelligence and Avatars. Hans Liljenström, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Sweden Evolving Complexity, Cognition, and Consciousness Giuseppe LONGO, Università di Napoli "Fedirico II", Italy The emerging virtual reality technologies for professional research in astronomy. Rafael MOLINA, Universidad de Granada, Spain The super-resolution applied to satellite imagery. Fionn MURTAGH, University of London, UK Hierarchical Clustering in Large High Dimensional Datasets. Vladimir NEKORKIN, Russian Academy of Sciences, Russia Non-linear dynamics and biological systems. Sankar PAL, Indian Statistical Institute, INDIA History and perspectives of the fuzzy methods in image features selection. Tim PALMER, European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts,UK The Butterfly and the Photon: New Perspectives on Unpredictability in Classical and Quantum Physics. Fabio PASIAN, Istituto Nazionale di Astrofisica, Italy The International Virtual Observatory: tools implemented in the framework of astronomical images and data mining. Carlos PEREIRA, Instituto de Matemática e Estatística, Brazil Information in Statistics. Sisir ROY, Indian Statistical Institute, INDIA The role of noise in living Systems. Antonio SAGGION, Università di Padova, Italy Causation and Extensive Quantities Paola ZIZZI, Università di Padova, Italy Quantum Metalanguage: Change of Problem Representation ********************************************************************************Participation: ******************************************************************************** Individuals wishing to attend the Workshop must send by email (daa_erice11@unipa.it) the Registration Form (downloadable from the web site), filled in all its parts. ********************************************************************************Submissions: ********************************************************************************There is room left for 20 submitted papers on all topics that fit the scope of the workshop, whether they are theoretical or they deal with experiments and results. Papers, 3 to 8 pages drafts + illustrations if any, will be reviewed by committee members and expert guests. Submission dead line: January 31th, 2011. Notification of acceptance: February 28th, 2011. Final version to be sent: March 15st, 2011 together with registration fees, to appear in the proceedings. ********************************************************************************Student/young researcher Grants ******************************************************************************************************* Subjected to the appreciation of the Workshop Committee, 5 to 10 deserving students, depending on the level of the submitted papers and CV, will be exempted from paying registration and accommodation. This is allowed by grants from the EMFCSC and the Paris XI University. Moreover, the GIRPR (Italian Chapter of IAPR) offers a scholarship of 500? to the best young researcher presenting a paper to the workshop. ******************************************************************************** Contacts: ********************************************************************************Bertrand Zavidovique (Director) I.E.F. Université Paris Sud ORSAY, France Giosue' Lo Bosco (Local Secretariat) Dipartimento di Matematica ed Informatica University of Palermo Palermo,Italy. Email: daa_erice11@unipa.it ******************************************************************************************************* DAA Secretariat Data Analysis in Astronomy <> Email: daa_erice11@unipa.it URL: http://daaerice11.unipa.it ********************************************************************************
Carlos Alberto de Braganca Pereira <cpereira@ime.usp.br>

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