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ISBA 2012 announcement

Caros Colegas,

Em nome do Program Council da ISBA peco, por gentileza, que anunciem o ISBA
2012 a ser realizado em Kyoto de 25 a 29 de junho de 2012.

Abaixo esta o endereco da homepage do evento.


The ISBA 2012 World Meeting -- the premier conference of the
International Society for Bayesian Analysis (ISBA) -- will be held in
beautiful Kyoto, Japan, from June 25 to June 29, 2012. Preliminary
program and announcements can be found at
http://www2.e.u-tokyo.ac.jp/~isba2012/ . The call for abstracts,
including the call for special topic contributed sessions, will be
coming out later this year.