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special issue ChJS

Call for papers

The Chilean Journal of Statistics (ChJS) is preparing a special issue on the topic ?Probabilistic and Inferential Aspects of Skew-Symmetric Models? related to the IV International Workshop in honour of Adelchi Azzalini?s 60th Birthday, to be held in Santiago, Chile, at the Faculty of Mathematics, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, from May 16 to May 19, 2011. For more details about this workshop, see


We encourage participants who plan to present their contributions to submit extended versions of the papers to ChJS. However, the call for papers is open to anyone as long as the topic of the manuscript is related to Skew-Symmetric Models. Submissions will be refereed according to standard procedures of the ChJS, however this special issue of ChJS is expected to contain a selection of the best current research papers on the topic of Skew-Symmetric Models. Information about the journal can be found at http://chjs.soche.cl. The deadline for submissions is October 1, 2011. All submissions must contain original unpublished work not being considered for publication elsewhere.

The authors must submit a PDF electronic version of the manuscript to the two guest editors:

Dr. Márcia Branco

Universidade de São Paulo,

São Paulo, Brazil

Email: mbranco@ime.usp.br

Dr. Marc G. Genton

Texas A&M University

College Station, Texas, USA

Email: genton@stat.tamu.edu

with copy to the Executive Editor:

Dr. Víctor Leiva

Universidad de Valparaíso, Chile

Email: chjs.editor@uv.cl
Marcia D'elia Branco <mbranco@ime.usp.br>