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Pedido para divulgar: First call for papers: ENBIS-11 (Coimbra, September 2011)

Repassando, a pedido. Desculpem-me por eventual duplicidade.


Flavio Ziegelmann

The 11th annual meeting of the European Network for Business and Industrial Statistics (ENBIS) will take place at the University of Coimbra, in Portugal, and aims to bring together professionals who are involved in business and industrial statistics. The conference will offer opportunities to meet each other and to share ideas and best practices.

The conference features a number of distinguished keynote speakers, invited and contributed sessions, workshops and panel discussions, as well as short pre- and post-conference courses, to which we would like to call also your attention, as they offer very good opportunities to address relevant topics, in a more focused way, in the presence of leading experts (please see the list of courses in the attached document). ENBIS invites contributions from a wide range of applications: industry, manufacturing, administration, marketing, sales, risk management, logistics and service. The session topics and a include but are not limited to the following areas:

    *  Data mining and warehousing
    *  Design of experiments
    *  Measurement uncertainty and measurement system analysis
    *  Process monitoring and control
    *  Reliability and safety
    *  Statistics in the pharmaceutical industry
    *  Statistics in the health sector
    *  Statistical computing
    *  Risk management
    *  Auditing and surveillance
    *  Statistics in practice
    *  Stochastic modeling
    *  Statistics in marketing and logistics
    *  Quality improvement and Six Sigma
    *  Consulting and teaching

Contributions can consist of reviews (presenting state of the art advances in scientific research), overviews and introductions (presenting an area of expertise to the uninitiated), and best practice examples (sharing experiences of practitioners). People from industry and business are invited to present their problems and current solutions. To increase the variety and number of contributions, ENBIS follows the approach of having posters as the standard knowledge dissemination medium. The poster exhibition will be enhanced by short oral presentation sessions and poster walks. A small number of selected submissions will be invited for a longer oral presentation.

Participants are invited to submit an abstract (maximum 250 words) before April 30, 2011. To submit your abstract, go to www.enbis.org. Notifications of the acceptance of submissions will be sent out no later than May 31, 2011. The final submission date for all accepted contributions is August 1st, 2011.

More information follows in the attached document. For further questions do not hesitate to contact enbis11@enbis.org.

 Kind regards,

Rainer Göb, on behalf of the Programme Committee of ENBIS-11
Marco Reis, on behalf of the Organizing Committee of ENBIS-11

Estamos a organizar, na Universidade de Coimbra, a conferência internacional ENBIS-11 (European Network for Business and Industrial Statistics), a qual irá de correr entre 4 e 8 de Setembro de 2011. Trata-se de uma conferência na área da estatística aplicada, no sentido lato, onde se cruzam as comunidades académica e o sector privado em proporções mais ou menos idênticas, e todos interessados na vertente prática a aplicada das metodologias. Os temas são variados, podendo-se encontrar contribuições desde a área de Qualidade, Lean, Seis-Sigma até Fiabilidade, Data-Mining, etc. (os tópicos base estão melhor descritos na 1.ª Call for Papers em Anexo).

Adicionalmente, haverá workshops antes e após a conferência, sobre temas que julgamos pertinentes actualmente. Os oradores são especialistas de renome, e fizemos um esforço para que o preço não fosse um impedimento.

Seria muito bom se pudessem participar. Já agora, pedia para, se possível, passarem a informação a potenciais interessados. Muito obrigado!

Se precisarem de qualquer esclarecimento, é só dizer!

Um abraço,
Marco Reis

Dada o início um pouco tardio da divulgação, é natural que a dead-line para submissão de abstracts venha a ser ligeiramente adiada.

Flavio A. Ziegelmann
Department of Statistics - Institute of Mathematics
Graduate Programme of Economics (PPGE)
Graduate Programme of Management/Finance (PPGA)
Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS)
Av. Bento Gonçalves, 9500 - Prédio 43-111 - Agronomia
91509-900 Porto Alegre - RS - BRAZIL
Tel:  +55 51 3308 6194
Fax: +55 51 3308 7301