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Fw: Applied Statistics 2011 conference, AS2011


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I am pleased to inform you, that abstract submission and registration for


                               International conference

                                Applied Statistics 2011 

                                 Ribno (Bled), Slovenia

                               September 25 â 28, 2011


is now opened. Please note that the abstract submission deadline is June 1.


Conference details are available at http://conferences.nib.si/AS2011


This year we invited three distinguished speakers:


  * Adrian Bowman, Department of Statistics,  University of Glasgow

  * Hans C. van Houwelingen, Leiden University Medical Center

  * Niels Keiding, Institute of Public Health, University of Copengahen


to present their plenary talks (visit AS2011 website for abstracts).

Workshop will be given by


  * Gerald van den Boogaart, Technical University Freiberg, Germany  


Please note that the abstract submission deadline is June 1.

Instructions for abstract submission and abstract submission form are

available at  http://conferences.nib.si/as2011/Abstracts.htm


If you haven't registered yet, please use the conference registration form:


- possibly at the time of abstract acceptance or by August 15.

Registration and payment details are available at



Don't forget to arrange the accommodation in Hotel Ribno. Please

contact them as soon as possible. Look at:



The conference e-mail address is info.AS@nib.si , but you are  welcome

to directly contact either me, Andrej Blejec, chair of Organizing 

Committee, (andrej.blejec@nib.si) or Janez Stare, chair of 

International Program Committee, (janez.stare@mf.uni-lj.si) 

(Subject: AS2011).


In the name of IPC and OC I would like to invite you to attend 

Applied Statistics 2011. We are sure that your presence will 

significantly contribute to the success of the conference and look 

forward to meeting you again in Slovenia.


Sincerely yours

Andrej Blejec



Andrej Blejec, Chair of AS2011 OC
Conference e-mail: info.as@nib.si
Personal  e-mail: andrej.blejec@nib.si