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[Fwd: 4th Int. Conf. of the ERCIM WG on COMPUTING & STATISTICS (ERCIM'11)]

--------------------------- Mensagem Original ----------------------------
Assunto: 4th Int. Conf. of the ERCIM WG on COMPUTING & STATISTICS (ERCIM'11)
De:      "Ana Colubi" <colubi@uniovi.es>
Data:    Qua, Abril 27, 2011 10:29
Para:    "Ana Colubi" <colubi@uniovi.es>

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Dear Collegue,

The 4th International Conference of the ERCIM Working Group on Computing
& Statistics will take place at the Senate House, University of London,
UK, 17-19 December 2011. You can find all the details of the conference at


All topics within the Aims and Scope of the ERCIM Working Group
Computing & Statistics will be considered for oral and poster
presentation. Please, find below the list of tracks and organized
sessions for this edition. If you are interested in suggesting possible
sessions within the framework of the Working Group, please, contact us.

Suitable papers will be considered for publication in special or regular
issues of the journal Computational Statistics and Data analysis.

Important dates:
Abstract submission for invited and organized sessions: 15 July 2011.
Contributed abstract submission: 15 September 2011.
Conference: 7-19 December 2011.
Submission of full papers (optional): 15 February 2012.

Best regards,

Ana on behalf of the International Organizing Committee and the Co-chairs.

International Organizing Committee: S. Azen, A. Colubi, E.J.
Kontoghiorghes, G. Loizou and I. Moustaki.
Co-Chairs: Christophe Croux, Roland Fried, Steve Gilmour, Domingo
Morales and Tommaso Proietti.

ERCIM 11 Tracks:

    * Robust Analysis of Complex Data Sets. Co-chairs: Christophe Croux
and Stefan Van Aelst
    * Statistical Algorithms and Software. Co-chairs: Cristian Gatu,
Bettina Grün and Achim Zeileis
    * Imprecision in Statistical Data Analysis. Co-chairs: Ana Colubi
and Thierry Denoeux
    * Time Series Modeling and Computation. Co-chairs: Andres M. Alonso
and Roland Fried
    * Statistical Signal Extraction and Filtering. Co-chairs: Stephen
Pollock and Esther Ruiz
    * Small Area Estimation. Co-chairs: Domingo Morales and Maria
Dolores Ugarte
    * Mixture Models. Co-chairs: Christian Hennig, Dimitris Karlis and
Luca Tardella
    * Optimal Design Algorithms: Steve Gilmour and Ben Parker
    * Bayesian semi- and nonparametric modelling: Jim Griffin, Sonia
Petrone and Igor Pruenster

ERCIM 11 Organized Sessions:

    * ES09: Perspectives on high-dimensional data analysis. Organizer:
Ejaz Ahmed
    * ES10: Classification and discriminant procedures for dependent
data. Organizer: Andres M. Alonso
    * ES11: Robust and diagnostic data analysis. Organizer: Anthony C.
    * ES12: High-dimensional statistics, sparsity and applications.
Organizer: Gerard Biau and Pierre Alquier
    * ES13: Robust methods for financial applications. Organizer: Kris Boudt
    * ES14: Networking on Biostatistics: the BIOSTATNET project.
Organizers: Carmen Cadarso and Guadalupe Gomez
    * ES16: Statistical machine learning and robustness. Organizer:
Andreas Christmann
    * ES17: Outliers and change-points in time series. Organizers:
Christophe Croux and Roland Fried
    * ES18: Extreme value theory and applications. Organizer: Michael Falk
    * ES62: Imprecision in inference. Organizer: M. Brigida Ferraro
    * ES19: Advances in robust data analysis. Organizers: L.A.
Garcia-Escudero and A. Gordaliza
    * ES20: Statistical algorithms and software. Organizer: Cristian Gatu
    * ES21: Copula modelling and computational analysis. Organizer:
Richard Gerlach
    * ES22: Dealing with rare events: resampling-based methods.
Organizer: M. Ivette Gomes
    * ES23: Advances in distance-based methods and applications.
Organizer: Aurea Grane
    * ES41: Statistics in functional and Hilbert spaces. Organizer: Gil
    * ES55: Fuzzy data in statistics. Organizer: Gil Gonzalez-Rodriguez
    * ES52: Mixture models in R. Organizer: Bettina Gruen
    * ES24: Mixture models: applications and extensions. Organizer: John
    * ES25: Model validation. Organizer: M. Dolores Jimenez-Gamero
    * ES26: MCMC for estimating diffusions. Organizers: Geurt Jongbloed
and Frank van der Meulen
    * ES27: Semiparametric quantile and expectile regression. Organizer:
Thomas Kneib
    * ES28: Design and analysis of computer experiments. Organizer:
Sonja Kuhnt
    * ES29: Optimal experimental design for models with covariance
structure. Organizer: Jesus Lopez Fidalgo
    * ES53: Frequency domain analysis. Organizer: Alessandra Luati
    * ES54: Heavy tailed time series. Organizer: Alessandra Luati
    * ES30: Biostatistics. Organizer: Gilbert Mackenzie
    * ES31: Applied statistics. Organizer: Agustin Mayo and Paula
Camelia Trandafir
    * ES32: Diagnostic tests for independent and time-series data.
Organizer: Simos Meintanis
    * ES33: Robust methods in small area estimation. Organizer: Isabel
    * ES34: Invariant coordinate selection and dimension reduction.
Organizer: Hannu Oja
    * ES35: Longitudinal data analysis. Organizer: M. Carmen Pardo
    * ES36: Parametric and semiparametric hazards models and analyses.
Organizer: M. Carmen Pardo
    * ES37: Recent advanced in mixed model analysis. Organizer: Roger W.
    * ES38: Computational issues on time series modeling. Organizer:
Cira Perna
    * ES39: High dimensional design of experiments. Organizer: Irene Poli
    * ES40: Bayesian nonparametrics. Organizers: Sonia Petrone and Igor
    * ES42: Point processes: modelling and forecasting. Organizer: Paula
Rodriguez Bouzas
    * ES43: Order-restricted inference and applications. Organizers:
Cristina Rueda and Miguel Fernandez
    * ES63: Handling imprecision in graphical models. Organizers:
Antonio Salmeron and Rafael Rumi
    * ES44: Modelling the extremes. Organizer: Carl Scarrott
    * ES45: Dynamic modelling of realized covariance matrices.
Organizers: Giuseppe Storti and Luc Bauwens
    * ES46: Recent advances in multi-state models. Organizer: Jacobo de Una
    * ES47: Semiparametric models with incomplete data. Organizer:
Ingrid Van Keilegom
    * ES48: Multivariate nonparametrics. Organizer: Daniel Vogel
    * ES49: New developments in quantile regression. Organizer:
Stanislav Volgushev
    * ES50: Computing issues for graphical models. Organizer: Joe Whittaker
    * ES51: Advances in software for tree models. Organizer: Achim Zeileis

Scientific Program Committee:

E. Ahmed, A.M. Alonso, A.C. Atkinson, A. Christmann, T. Denoeux, M.
Falk, P. Foschi, C. Gatu, L.A. Garcia-Escudero, R. Gerlach, M.I. Gomes,
G. Gonzalez-Rodriguez, A. Gordaliza, A. Grane, C. Hennig, J. Hinde, M.
Huber, T. Kneib, S. Kuhnt, J. Lopez-Fidalgo, A. Luati, A. Mayo, S.
Meintanis, I. Molina, M.C. Pardo, R.W. Payne, C. Perna, S. Petrone, I.
Poli, I. Pruenster, S. Sanfelici, G. Storti, S. Van Aelst, I. Van
Keilegom, J. Whittaker, P. Winker, R. Zamar, A. Zeileis.

Clarice Garcia Borges Demétrio
Departamento de Ciências Exatas
Escola Superior de Agricultura "Luiz de Queiroz"
Universidade de São Paulo,
13418-900 Piracicaba, SP
phone: 55 19 34294144 R216

Biometry, the active pursuit of biological knowledge by quantitative
methods.? ? R.A. Fisher, 1948