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Hal Varian and the sexy profession

Hal Varian, Chief Economist do Google, dá nova entrevista, desta vez ao SIGNIFICANCE, revista da ASA e Royal Statistical Society.

Hal Varian and the sexy profession
Author:Julian Champkin

Published:Mar 14, 2011 - From issue:Volume 8 Issue 1 (March 2011)

The data revolution is upon us. The data we have and the way we treat it has changed beyond measure – as witness a quote from Hal Varian of Google: “Back in the early days of the Web, every document had at the bottom, "Copyright 1997. Do not redistribute." Now every document has at the bottom, "Copyright 2008. Click here to send to your friends."" Hal Varian has made another famous quote about statistics in the new data age. Julian Champkininterviewed him.

Vale destacar:
- grandes bancos de dados deveriam ser tratados unindo talentos de cientistas da computação e estatísticos
- apresentar resultados de forma visual é importante, mas os estatísticos não têm se destacado nesta área (há mais jornalistas ou designers envolvidos)
