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Cursos na área de amostragem satélites ao ISI em Dublin

já está no ar o registro para participação em cursos promovidos na área de amostragem pela IASS (International Association for Survey Statisticians), uma das seções do ISI (International Statistical Institute).
Tais cursos costumam ser muito bons e fornecem um excelente caminho para alguém querendo se atualizar ou tomar contacto com os temas tratados.
Os instrutores são de primeira linha, e para quem já planeja ir ao ISI, os custos adicionais de estadia e inscrição são modestos, frente à oportunidade.
Saudações, Pedro.
Message from the IASS Scientific Secretary
The IASS has organized seven short courses, over two sessions, to be offered prior to the 58th Session of the International Statistical Institute (ISI) in Dublin, 17-20 August 2011.

As IASS scientific secretary, I will be coordinating all relevant activities in close liaison with the ISI short courses and the local hosts in Dublin. Please contact Leyla Mohadjer at leylamohadjer@westat.com if you have any questions or concerns about the short courses.

Registration for the IASS short courses is now open and registration information and materials can be found on:
On this web page, you can select your registration category (member/non-member developed/developing country) and then see a description of the short courses, the instructors and the course fee. To register for a class, you must do so through this website.
The IASS is pleased to offer and recommend the excellent accommodations at Trinity College. All rooms are centrally located on the historic campus. Rooms are serviced daily and continental breakfast is included. Information and online reservations for accommodation are available at:

For best rates, please use the promotion code “IASS” when using the online reservation page.
 As IASS Scientific Secretary, I will be coordinating this activity in close liaison with the ISI short course coordinator and the Local Hosts in Dublin. If at any time you have questions or concerns about the 2011 IASS short courses, please do not hesitate to contact me directly at LeylaMohadjer@westat.com 
Schedule for Short Courses 
Session 1 Session 2
17 August 18 August 19 August 20 August
Introduction to Survey Sampling Web Survey Design Methods for Longitudinal Surveys
(Steven Heeringa and Colm O’Muircheartaigh) (Mick P. Couper) (Peter Lynn)
Business Survey Methods Introduction to Survey Quality
(Mike Hidiroglou and Wesley Yung) (Paul Biemer and Lars Lyberg)
Analysis of Complex Sample Survey Data Workshop on Editing and Imputation of Survey Data
(Jay Breidt and Kirk Wolter, NORC) (Eric Rancourt and Jean-Francois Beaumont)
Course participants are required to be members of the IASS in good standing. For non-IASS members, membership is offered.

Together with the registration in a course. The course fees cover all course material, morning and afternoon tea, and lunch.
Registration for the short courses is available online at:

A group discount is available when several people from the same organization participate: a 10 percent discount for 5 people and a 20 percent discount for 10 people.

Directly across the river, less that 2km, or a short bus ride from the Convention Centre (where the ISI 58th Congress will be held), Trinity College is the oldest university in Ireland and is situated at College Green. Founded in 1592 by Queen Elizabeth I, the College  is in an enviable position in the heart of Ireland’s capital.

The college on its 40-acre site retains some of its ancient seclusion with cobbled squares, gardens, and parks. Its great treasures include the Book of Kells, a 9th century monastic masterpiece, the Books of Durrow and Armagh, and an early Irish harp. These are displayed in the Treasury and the famous Long Room which houses over 200,000 of Trinity’s oldest books.

IASS is pleased to offer and recommend the excellent accommodations at Trinity College. All rooms are centrally located on the historic campus. Rooms are serviced daily and continental breakfast is included. Information and online reservations for accommodations are available at:
http://www.tcd.ie/accommodation/Visitors/RoomTypes/ For best rates, please use the promotion code “IASS” when using the online reservation page.

To Register, Please Visit:

Pedro Luis do Nascimento Silva
IBGE - Escola Nacional de Ciências Estatísticas
Phone: +55 21 21424957, 35216066