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[Fwd: CFE-ERCIM 2011: Second CFP]

--------------------------- Mensagem Original ----------------------------
Assunto: CFE-ERCIM 2011: Second CFP
De:      "Ana Colubi" <colubi@uniovi.es>
Data:    Ter, Junho 21, 2011 05:56
Para:    "Ana Colubi" <colubi@uniovi.es>

Dear Colleague,

The 5th International conference on Computational and Financial
Econometrics (CFE'11) and the 4th International Conference of the ERCIM
Working Group on Computing & Statistics (ERCIM'11) will jointly take
place at the Senate House, University of London, UK, 17-19 December
2011. Please, visit the websites for further information:


You can submit your abstract at http://www.ercim.cfe-csda.org/submissions/

Important dates:
Abstract submission for invited and organized sessions: 15 July 2011.
Contributed abstract submission: 15 September 2011.
Conference: 17-19 December 2011.
Submission of full papers (optional): 15 February 2012.

Best regards,

The International Organizing Committees and the Co-Chairs.

CFE 2011 International Organizing Committee: Ana Maria Fuertes, George
Kapetanios, Erricos J. Kontoghiorghes, Herman K. Van Dijk and Qiwei Yao.
CFE 2011 Co-Chairs: Hashem Pesaran, Siem Jan Koopman, Monica Billio,
Christian Francq and Mike So.
ERCIM 2011 International Organizing Committee: Stan Azen, Ana Colubi,
Erricos J. Kontoghiorghes, Geroge Loizou and Irini Moustaki.
ERCIM 2011 Co-Chairs: Christophe Croux, Roland Fried, Steve Gilmour,
Domingo Morales and Tommaso Proietti.

Clarice Garcia Borges Demétrio
Departamento de Ciências Exatas
Escola Superior de Agricultura "Luiz de Queiroz"
Universidade de São Paulo,
13418-900 Piracicaba, SP
phone: 55 19 34294144 R216

Biometry, the active pursuit of biological knowledge by quantitative
methods.? ? R.A. Fisher, 1948