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[Fwd: Postdoctoral Training in Bayesian Genomics]

--------------------------- Mensagem Original ----------------------------
Assunto: [Fwd: Postdoctoral Training in Bayesian Genomics]
De:      "Roseli Aparecida Leandro" <raleandr@esalq.usp.br>
Data:    Sex, Julho 29, 2011 23:35
Para:    rbras@rbras.org.br

--------------------------- Mensagem Original ----------------------------
Assunto: Postdoctoral Training in Bayesian Genomics
De:      ISBA-secretary <clyde@duke.edu>
Data:    Sex, Julho 29, 2011 18:12
Para:    jobs@bayesian.org

When you have a chance, please post the following job advertisement.

David Bickel

Postdoctoral Training in Bayesian Genomics

Reliable interpretation of genomic information makes unprecedented
demands for innovations in statistical methodology and its application
to biological systems. This unique opportunity drives research at the
Statomics Lab of the Ottawa Institute of Systems Biology
(http://www.statomics.com) to marshal strengths of robust Bayesian,
empirical Bayes, and frequentist frameworks. The lab seeks a
postdoctoral fellow who will collaboratively develop and apply novel
methods of Bayesian inference to overcome current challenges in
learning from genome-wide association data, high-dimensional gene
expression data, and other data related to genomics.

Experience in computationally intensive data analysis is essential, as
is the ability to quickly design and code reliable software
implementing Markov chain Monte Carlo algorithms. Strong initiative,
excellent communication skills, and reception of a PhD or equivalent
doctorate in statistical genetics, statistics, bioinformatics,
computer science, mathematics, physics, any field of engineering, or
an equally quantitative field within four years prior to the start
date are also absolutely necessary. The following qualities are
desirable but not required: working knowledge of statistical genetics
or genomics;  familiarly with R, S-PLUS, Mathematica, C, Fortran,
and/or LaTeX; experience in a UNIX or Linux environment.

To apply, send a PDF CV that has contact information of three
references to dbickel@uottawa.ca, with â??Bayes Postdocâ?? and the year of
your graduation or anticipated graduation in the subject field of the
message. In the message body, concisely present evidence that you meet
each requirement for the position and describe your most significant
papers and software packages with summaries of your contributions to
them. All applicants are thanked in advance; only those selected for
further consideration will receive a response.

Clarice Garcia Borges Demétrio
Departamento de Ciências Exatas
Escola Superior de Agricultura "Luiz de Queiroz"
Universidade de São Paulo,
13418-900 Piracicaba, SP
phone: 55 19 34294144 R216

Biometry, the active pursuit of biological knowledge by quantitative
methods.? ? R.A. Fisher, 1948