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Re: [ABE-L]: fim do ensino como conhecemos?

muito oportuna a postagem.

está em curso uma reformulação dos métodos de ensino.
de fato a disseminação do ead tem motivado a produção de textos e aulas muito 
melhor elaborados que os tradicionais textos didáticos.
com o advento dos ipads, a possibilidade de hipertextos é real, modificando a 
maneira de se escrever um texto.
outra característica é tornar os cursos abertos à sociedade através da 
é o projeto ocw, ao qual poucas instituições no brasil aderiram.
ensino interativo de massa, ao contrário do ensino bancário(transmissão de 
conteúdo) para poucos.

* adotei o estilo do premiado escritor português valter hugo mãe que não usa 
letras maiúsculas.

em tempo:
dia 12 de outubro, a partir de 10h, manifestações em todo o país contra a 
a do rio de janeiro vai ser às 14h, em copacabana, no posto 4.

On Tue, 4 Oct 2011 23:37:42 -0300, Renato Assunção wrote
> Somebody's Eating Your Lunch
> Blog @ CACM, September 28
> Stanford University's new mass teaching experiment in classes for AI,
> Machine Learning and Databases is drawing attention as a possible new
> online teaching method. The university, drawing on computer science
> expertise within the university and tapping into the excitement 
> around technology start-ups, is a natural for this type of serious online
> teaching experiment. With nearly 100,000 people already registered 
> for the AI class alone, this places the new mass teaching experiment 
> on the same scale as the number of computer science undergraduate 
> students each year in the US.
> It's too soon to say how successful these classes will be and there
> are many easy criticisms to make. The first criticism is that simply
> registering for a class does not imply learning. Yet, if only 10%
> complete these classes, the scale of teaching still surpasses the
> scale of any traditional process. The second criticism is that 1st
> year excitement is difficult to maintain over time. Yet, if only 10%
> take future classes, the scale of teaching still surpasses the scale
> of any traditional process. Online teaching misses out on other
> aspects of education, but for students not enrolled in a high quality
> university program, this is simply not a relevant comparison. There
> are also benefits to being online as well, as your time might be
> better focused.
> While critics debate the pros and cons of this teaching project, they
> are not taking into account what's possible and what motivates 
> people. The prospect of teaching 1 student means you might review 
> some notes. The prospect of teaching 10 students means you prepare 
> some slides. The prospect of teaching 100 students means you polish 
> your slides well, trying to anticipate questions, and hopefully 
> drawing on experience from previous presentations. At nearly 100,000 
> students, you must try very hard to make the presentation perfect including
> serious testing with dry runs. In addition to Stanford, a number of
> other top research universities could operate at the same scale. 
> Going forward, the success or not of Stanford's attempts will raise 
> questions about the differences between "mega-classes" and "boutique 
> classes."

Prof. Luis Paulo
C.P. 2386
20010-974 Rio de Janeiro, RJ

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