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Fwd: Call for Papers

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From: <ibs@tibs.org>
Date: 2011/11/14
Subject: Call for Papers
To: assuncao@est.ufmg.br

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Call for Papers


Abstracts for contributed oral and poster presentations to be presented at IBC Kobe 2012 can be submitted online from 10 November 2011 until 15 January 2012 inclusive.


The mission of the IBS is "to promote the development and application of statistical and mathematical theory and methods in the biosciences, including agriculture, biomedical science and public health, ecology, environmental sciences, forestry, and allied disciplines." Contributions at the conference are therefore welcome across a wide range of both methodological topics and application areas relevant to the mission of the IBS.


The following list provides an indication of the areas that have been covered at previous conferences and will be covered at the coming conference, but these should not limit what you submit.


Agricultural research

Analysis of imaging and signal data

Bayesian methods

Biological networks

Categorical data analysis

Causal inference in clinical and epidemiological research

Computer intensive methods and software development

Design and analysis of clinical trials

Design and analysis of toxicology and pharmacology

Ecological research (including forestry, fisheries and wild life)

Environmental research

Epidemiological research

Epidemiological research for radiation exposure

Genetic research (non human)

Genetic research (human)

Infectious diseases and control

Longitudinal data analysis / mixed effects model

Measurement and analysis of radioactivity and radiation exposure

Medical research (including diagnostics research and medical decision making)

Microarrays and omics data

Missing and incomplete data

Multiple testing and adjustments for multiplicity

Pharmacoepidemiology and post-marketing research / outcome research

Pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics

Risk analysis and risk management

Spatial data analysis

Statistical graphics

Survival data analysis

Validity and reliability of measurements



All abstracts must be submitted online and prepared using the Word (97-03) templates which can be downloaded from this web-page.


Click here to download the Word template.


Each abstract submission must include the title, list of authors and author affiliations, and abstract (as indicated in the template), with each submission having a maximum length of one page of A4 using the fonts specified in the templates. Authors are requested to select the area(s) of the abstract from a list of possible session topics (given above). The number of oral abstract submission with the same presenting author is limited to one.


All submitted abstracts will be reviewed by the scientific committee for the conference, and presenting authors will be informed of the status of their abstract (oral session, poster session, rejection) by 31 March 2012.


All contributed oral presentations will be allocated to a 15-minute slot within a particular scientific session, with each session lasting 105 minutes and therefore containing 6 oral presentations and time for discussion. All poster presentations will also be allocated to a particular scientific session throughout which it is expected that the presenting author will be present at their poster.


All presenting authors must have registered for the IBC by 15 June 2012 for their abstract to be included in the Programme.


Following on from the success of the awards made at the last three IBCs, we will again be awarding prizes for the Best Student Oral Presentation(s) and the Best Poster Presentation(s).


Click here to continue submitting an abstract.


Click here to visit the IBC 2012 web site.


Thank you.

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