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[Fwd: COMPSTAT 2012: 20th International Conference on COMPUTATIONAL STATISTICS]

--------------------------- Mensagem Original ----------------------------
Assunto: COMPSTAT 2012: 20th International Conference on COMPUTATIONAL
De:      "Ana Colubi Cervero" <colubi@indurot.uniovi.es>
Data:    Qui, Dezembro 1, 2011 05:28
Para:    colubi@uniovi.es

20th International Conference on
27-31 August 2012, Amathus Beach Hotel, Limassol, Cyprus

Sponsored by the European Regional Section of the IASC and organized
by the Cyprus University of Technology and the University of Cyprus.

The 20th International Conference on Computational Statistics will
take place at the Amathus Beach Hotel, Limassol, Cyprus, 27-31 August
2012.  It celebrates 40 years of COMPSTAT.  The conference comprises
of invited, organized and contributed sessions.  A number of tutorials
will be given during the conference.

The conference aims at bringing together researchers and practitioners
to discuss recent developments in computational methods, methodology
for data analysis and applications in statistics. All topics within
the broad interface of Computing & Statistics will be considered for
oral and poster presentation.

Topics includes, but not limited to: robust statistics, categorical
data analysis, computational Bayesian methods, multivariate data
analysis, time series analysis, signal processing, biostatistics,
biocomputing, clustering and classification, functional data analysis,
nonparametric statistics, optimization heuristics in statistical
modelling, data visualization, sampling methods, spatial statistics,
computational econometrics, machine learning, numerical methods in
statistics, symbolic data analysis, high-dimensional data analysis,
parametric and semiparametric models, mixture models, computer-aided
data analysis, extreme value theory and applications, kernel methods
and Monte Carlo methods.

In order to promote the participation of young researchers, the ERS
IASC will offer three prizes, each worth of 500 Euro, for the three
best contributions submitted by young participants.

Keynote speakers:
Stanley P. Azen, Trevor Hastie and Elvezio Ronchetti

Scientific Program Committee:

Ex-officio: Erricos John Kontoghiorghes, Gilbert Saporta, Manfred
Gilli, Vincenzo Esposito Vinzi.
Members: Ana Colubi, Dick van Dijk, Peter Filzmoser, Roland Fried,
Cristian Gatu, Mia Hubert, Domingo Morales, Tommaso Proietti.

Important dates:
Invited abstract submission:           31 March 2012
Contributed abstract submission:       30 April 2012
Paper submissions for the proceedings: 30 April 2012
Decision for abstract submissions:     15 May 2012
Decision for proceedings submissions:  15 June 2012
Conference:                            27-31 August 2012

For further information please contact: info@compstat2012.org

Clarice Garcia Borges Demétrio
Departamento de Ciências Exatas
Escola Superior de Agricultura "Luiz de Queiroz"
Universidade de São Paulo,
13418-900 Piracicaba, SP
phone: 55 19 34294144 R216

Biometry, the active pursuit of biological knowledge by quantitative
methods.? ? R.A. Fisher, 1948
Title: COMPSTAT 2012: 20th International Conference on COMPUTATIONAL STATISTICS

20th International Conference on
27-31 August 2012, Amathus Beach Hotel, Limassol, Cyprus

Sponsored by the European Regional Section of the IASC and organized
by the Cyprus University of Technology and the University of Cyprus.

The 20th International Conference on Computational Statistics will
take place at the Amathus Beach Hotel, Limassol, Cyprus, 27-31 August
2012.  It celebrates 40 years of COMPSTAT.  The conference comprises
of invited, organized and contributed sessions.  A number of tutorials
will be given during the conference.

The conference aims at bringing together researchers and practitioners
to discuss recent developments in computational methods, methodology
for data analysis and applications in statistics. All topics within
the broad interface of Computing & Statistics will be considered for
oral and poster presentation.

Topics includes, but not limited to: robust statistics, categorical
data analysis, computational Bayesian methods, multivariate data
analysis, time series analysis, signal processing, biostatistics,
biocomputing, clustering and classification, functional data analysis,
nonparametric statistics, optimization heuristics in statistical
modelling, data visualization, sampling methods, spatial statistics,
computational econometrics, machine learning, numerical methods in
statistics, symbolic data analysis, high-dimensional data analysis,
parametric and semiparametric models, mixture models, computer-aided
data analysis, extreme value theory and applications, kernel methods
and Monte Carlo methods.

In order to promote the participation of young researchers, the ERS
IASC will offer three prizes, each worth of 500 Euro, for the three
best contributions submitted by young participants.

Keynote speakers:
Stanley P. Azen, Trevor Hastie and Elvezio Ronchetti

Scientific Program Committee:

Ex-officio: Erricos John Kontoghiorghes, Gilbert Saporta, Manfred
Gilli, Vincenzo Esposito Vinzi.
Members: Ana Colubi, Dick van Dijk, Peter Filzmoser, Roland Fried,
Cristian Gatu, Mia Hubert, Domingo Morales, Tommaso Proietti.

Important dates:
Invited abstract submission:           31 March 2012
Contributed abstract submission:       30 April 2012
Paper submissions for the proceedings: 30 April 2012
Decision for abstract submissions:     15 May 2012
Decision for proceedings submissions:  15 June 2012
Conference:                            27-31 August 2012

For further information please contact: info@compstat2012.org