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The beta Laplace distribution


O artigo "The beta Laplace distribution" (eu e Artur Lemonte) (paper
em anexo) é o quinto mais lido do SPL.

Vide em

Como se diz no Nordeste: "pense, num paper arretado!"

Corroborando com minha assertiva anterior (sem cabotismo mas muito
grato pelo reconhecimento), vide carta abaixo. Sds, Gauss

Dear Dr. Gauss M. Cordeiro,

It is my great honor and pleasure to invite you to attend the Montreal
International Engineering Forum 2012 and present your most recent research
achievements and ideas at this meeting. This event will take place in
Montreal, Quebec, Canada during February 9-10, 2012, and will be hosted by
the EPS Inc., a Canada-based biomedical consultant agency. Please visit
our website at www.epsglobal.ca and www.epsworldlink.com for program
The forum includes oral, poster and video presentations. The scientific
program will focus on civil engineering, urban planning, architecture,
hydraulic engineering and environmental engineering. The casual and
interactive meeting format will privilege the participating scientists,
partner institutions for networking and developing collaborations.
We are very interested in your article The beta Laplace distribution that
is published on Statistics & Probability Letters. This article includes
some novel conceptions, which may impress the worldwide experts in your
field. The Montreal International Engineering Forum 2012 will present an
excellent opportunity for you to introduce this article to the worldwide
experts, highlighting the great significance of your research achievement.

Montreal is a beautiful and historic city. When joining us, you will be
enjoying a charming winter setup of the month of February, enjoying a host
of activities for all ages, including snow baths, snow slides, giant
foosball, snow sculptures, shows, sleigh rides, and skating.
Your participation in the forum would greatly contribute to the success of
this unique event, and we look forward to meeting you in Montreal.
Please check the following website for EPS Inc. introduction and the list
of upcoming conferences:
http://www.epsworldlink.com/images/brochures2012/EPSConference2012.pdf .

Warmest regards,
Organizing Committee of Montreal International Engineering Forum 2012
1625 Maisonneuve Ouest
Suite 305, Montreal
Canada, H3H 2N4
Tel: +1-514-933-4119
EPS Global Medical Development Inc.-

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