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Fwd: Notice of Bernoulli Prize to Nathanael Berestycki (fwd)

Boa tarde,

Retransmito uma excelente notícia.


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Maria Eulalia Vares <eulalia@cbpf.br>
Date: Wed, Mar 14, 2012 at 17:32
Subject: Notice of Bernoulli Prize to Nathanael Berestycki (fwd)

Caros Colegas,

Eh com grande prazer que lhes transmito notificacao (em anexo) do
presidente da Sociedade Bernoulli.

Vale tambem dizer que o artigo premiado foi escrito como notas de um
minicurso dado pelo autor no verao do IMPA, a convite do Vladas.

Sem duvida, o reconhecimento representa um estimulo para continuarmos
nosso esforco pelos Ensaios.



---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Wed, 14 Mar 2012 12:08:42 -0700
From: Edward Waymire <ewaymire@cims.nyu.edu>
To: Maria Eulalia Vares <eulalia@cbpf.br>
Cc: Edward Waymire <ewaymire@cims.nyu.edu>
Subject: Notice of Bernoulli Prize to Nathanael Berestycki

Dear Eulalia,

 Please see attached notification on the
award to Nathanael Berestycki.

I look forward to seeing you in Istanbul.


PS I am sure you will want to publicize in the broader
BMS community, but I am withholding the name in Bernoulli
News until after the presentation and hope you will do the
same.  Nathanael has been notified and will be in attendance
at Istanbul.

Alejandro C. Frery
Maceió, AL - Brazil

Attachment: BernExpPrize2012_JOURNAL_NOTICE.pdf
Description: Adobe PDF document