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Fw: Call for papers 2012 - ADAS

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Adv. & Appl. in Statistics <arun@pphmj.org>
Date: 2012/4/2
Subject: Call for papers 2012 - ADAS

The Pushpa Publishing House invites original research articles / critical survey articles for consideration of possible publication after peer review in the "Advances and Applications in Statistics (ISSN: 0972-3617)".

As per policy of our journals, we process the paper immediately on its receipt and try to arrive at a decision within a month. In case of a clear recommendation of a referee, the paper is included in an early issue of the journal. We are glad to inform you we have receive approximately 225-250 articles in a year for consideration of publication in the ADAS. At the first step which is termed as the "screening" about 30% articles are returned as they might be poor in substance or presentation. The remaining articles are sent to two appropriate referees for their reports. The report is requested in a month or 6-8 weeks time and we are glad to mention that our referees/editors stick to stipulated time in normal conditions. The papers recommended for publication are normally 40% and those for revision are about 20%. Thus on the average about 65-75 articles out of submitted 225-250 per year get through the process for publication. The ratio desired comes out to be nearly 35%.

The purpose of this letter is to approach you to consider our request to continue your support as in the past and please contribute articles in the "Advances and Applications in Statistics" for possible publication. You may encourage your fellow-workers and colleagues also to submit their papers for possible publication in the ADAS. Also, we shall highly appreciate your help and co-operation in promoting our journals by considering their subscriptions to your valued library and also for your personal use.

With kind regards,

Yours sincerely

Arun Azad
General Manager
Pushpa Publishing House
e-mail: arun@pphmj.com
April 02, 2012
Advances and Applications in Statistics (ISSN: 0972-3617)
Available in print and online versions
AIMS & SCOPE:  The ADAS is aimed at to provide an outlet to original research papers and survey articles of current interest in every direction of application of Statistics, both computational and experimental in nature. The ADAS is being published in six volumes annually and each volume comprises of two issues. It is a monthly journal. The no. 2 of Volume 26(2012) of the ADAS is being released soon.

ABSTRACTING, INDEXING AND REVIEWS: All published articles are reviewed/indexed in Mathematical Reviews, MathSciNet, Zentralblatt für Mathematik, IndexCopernicus Data, EBSCOhost, Current Index to Statistics and Statistical Theory and Method Abstracts.

OUR POLICY: Articles received are immediately processed adopting fastest method to arrive at the final decision regarding the publication of a paper normally within two months and in case duly recommended for publication by a referee, an effort is made to accommodate the paper in an issue to appear next. We understand that the policy of quick decision is in the interest of both the authors as well as the publishers. To ensure speedy publication articles which are sufficiently well presented as are judged by the Editors often get priority. Accepted papers get duly edited and typeset in the style of our journal by the publisher and the galley proofs are sent to the submitting authors, unless requested otherwise, without the original manuscript, for corrections. Abstracts of papers published are made available on our website http://pphmj.com/journals/adas.htm along with other relevant details. Articles of interest can be purchased online.

ARTICLES ACCEPTATION RATIO: We receive approximately 225-250 articles in a year for consideration of publication in the ADAS. At the first step which is termed as the "screening" about 30% articles are returned as they might be poor in substance or presentation. The remaining articles are sent to two appropriate referees for their reports. The report is requested in a month or 6-8 weeks time and we are glad to mention that our referees/editors stick to stipulated time in normal conditions. The papers recommended for publication are normally 40% and those for revision are about 20%. Thus on the average about 65-75 articles out of submitted 225-250 per year get through the process for publication. The ratio desired comes out to be nearly 35%.

PRINT CHARGES: To defray the publication cost, authors in USA and Canada are requested to arrange print charges of their accepted papers at the rate of US$ 40 per page and authors in the rest of the world at the rate of EURO 30 per page from their institutions/research grants, if any. No extra charges for color figures. Twenty five reprints are provided to the corresponding author ex-gratis. Additional sets of reprints may be ordered at the time of proof correction.

               1. Online submission (.pdf and .doc files) through journals' homepage:
               2. Electronic (.tex, .dvi, .pdf, .ps and .doc files) at the email address:
                                  adas@pphmj.com   and   kkazad@pphmj.com
               3. Hard copies: Papers in duplicate with a letter of submission at the following address:
                                  The Editors, Advances and Applications in Statistics
                                  Pushpa Publishing House
                                  Vijaya Niwas, 198, Mumfordganj, Allahabad-211002, INDIA