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Fw: New Journal Avances de Investigacion en Educacion Matematica

Repassando a pedido de J Harraway e Carmen Batanero

abrçs, lisbeth

-----Mensagem Original----- From: jharraway@maths.otago.ac.nz
Sent: Friday, May 25, 2012 8:48 PM
To: lisbethk@terra.com.br
Subject: New Journal Avances de Investigacion en Educacion Matematica

Hi Prof. Lisbeth K. Cordani,

On behalf of Carmen Batanero and the editorial team of the new journal AIEM.
Avances de Investigacion en Educacion Matematica, I am sending the
following announcement which will be of interest to many members of IASE but
especially those in Spain, Portugal and Latin America.

Best wishes
John Harraway
President IASE

AIEM.  Avances de Investigacion en Educacion Matematica

The electronic journal Avances de Investigacion en Educacion Matematica
(AIEM, www.aiem.es) was first launched on May 4th as an official publication
by the Spanish Society for Research in Mathematics Education (SEIEM,
Sociedad Espanola de Investigacion Matematica, www.seiem.es)

The intended audience include researchers involved in mathematics education
or professionals that could use research results to improve any aspect of
mathematics education or contribute to the scientific development of this
area; in particular in Spain, Portugal and Latin- America. It aims to
contribute to advancing knowledge on teaching, learning and understanding of
mathematics at the different educational levels, through the promotion and
diffusion of research. Two issues will be published each year (May and

As a quality research journal, the goal is that AIEM becomes a referent for
research carried out in our scientific community, as well as a meeting point
for other research communities that perform research in mathematics
education from other geographical areas or disciplines. Consequently we
invite all potential contributors to the advance of mathematics education
knowledge to send us their papers.

The journal encourages the submission of quality theoretical and empirical
papers (quantitative, qualitative or mixed), case studies, ethnographical
work, critical reviews of research literature, and analyses of theoretical
or methodological frameworks. Contributions in either Spanish or Portuguese
are recommended. Contributions in French or English will also be considered.
All papers received in the journal will be blind-reviewed.

We intend to collaborate with other journals and associations that share our
aims, so that all together could contribute to improve the quality of
mathematics education research. For this reason we would be grateful that
the journal information is diffused via web-pages, email-lists and
publications. We in turn will include a link to your journal/association
from the AIEM web page, since diffusion is an important activity to make
research results widely known.

Thanks in advance for your collaboration


AIEM Editorial Team

Lorenzo J. Blanco Nieto, Editor
Carmen Azcarate Gimenez
Carmen Batanero Benabeu
Ã?ngel Gutierrez Rodri­guez
Modesto Sierra Vazquez