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[Fwd: ERCIM 2012: Statistics & Computing, 1-3 December, Oviedo (Spain)]

--------------------------- Mensagem Original ----------------------------
Assunto: ERCIM 2012: Statistics & Computing, 1-3 December, Oviedo (Spain)
De:      "Ana Colubi Cervero" <colubi@indurot.uniovi.es>
Data:    Qua, Maio 30, 2012 05:57
Para:    colubi@uniovi.es

5th International Conference of the ERCIM WG on
1-3 December 2012, Conference Centre, Oviedo, Spain

Keynote Speakers:
Hans-Georg Müller, Peter Bühlmann and Esther Ruiz.

A list of invited and organized sessions can be found at

Tutorials are given on Friday the 30th of November 2012 by Andrew
Harvey and Hans Mueller.

All topics within the Aims and Scope of the ERCIM Working Group
Computing & Statistics will be considered for oral and poster

Topics includes, but not limited to: robust methods, statistical
algorithms and software, high-dimensional data analysis, statistics
for imprecise data, extreme value modeling, quantile regression and
semiparametric methods, model validation, functional data analysis,
Bayesian methods, optimization heuristics in estimation and modelling,
computational econometrics, quantitative finance, statistical signal
extraction and filtering, small area estimation, latent variable and
structural equation models, mixture models, matrix computations in
statistics, time series modeling and computation, optimal design
algorithms and computational statistics for clinical research.

The conference comprises a number of tracks, invited and organized
sessions. The organization of sessions within the framework of the
Working Group are strongly encouraged: http://www.dcs.bbk.ac.uk/ercim/

Publication: papers containing strong computational statistical, or
substantive data-analytic elements will be considered for publication
in a special peer-reviewed, or regular, issue of the Journal CSDA
(Computational Statistics and Data Analysis).

International Organizing Committee:
Ana Colubi, Christophe Croux, Erricos J. Kontoghiorghes and Herman
K. Van Dijk.

Co-Chairs: Gil Gonzalez-Rodriguez, Geoff McLachlan, Hannu Oja, Marco
Riani and Stephen Walker.

Scientific Program Committee: E. Ahmed, A.M. Alonso, A.C. Atkinson,
A. Christmann, A. Delaigle, T. Denoeux, M. Falk, P. Filzmoser,
P. Foschi, C. Gatu, L.A. Garcia-Escudero, R. Gerlach, M.I. Gomes,
A. Gordaliza, A. Grane, X. He, M.D. Jimenez-Gamero, M. Huber,
T. Kneib, V. Leiva, A. Lijoi, J. Lopez-Fidalgo, A. Luati,
G. Mackenzie, A. Mayo, S. Meintanis, I. Molina, D. Morales,
D. Paindaveine, M.C. Pardo, S. Paterlini, I. Pruenster, E. Ronchetti,
L. Ugarte, S. Van Aelst, I. Van Keilegom, P. Vieu, R. Zamar,
A. Zeileis.

Important dates:

Invited Abstract submission:		15 July 2012
Contributed Abstract submission:	5 September 2012
Tutorials:                              30 November 2012
Conference:                             1-3 December 2012
Publication of the CSDA Special Issues: 15 December 2013 (tentative)

The meeting will take place jointly with the 6th International
Conference on Computational and Financial Econometrics (CFE 2012):

For further information please contact: cfe-ercim@cfe-csda.org.

New email address: clarice.demetrio@usp.br
Clarice Garcia Borges Demétrio
Departamento de Ciências Exatas
Escola Superior de Agricultura "Luiz de Queiroz"
Universidade de São Paulo,
13418-900 Piracicaba, SP
phone: 55 19 34294144 R216

Biometry, the active pursuit of biological knowledge by quantitative
methods.? ? R.A. Fisher, 1948

New email address: clarice.demetrio@usp.br
Clarice Garcia Borges Demétrio
Departamento de Ciências Exatas
Escola Superior de Agricultura "Luiz de Queiroz"
Universidade de São Paulo,
13418-900 Piracicaba, SP
phone: 55 19 34294144 R216

Biometry, the active pursuit of biological knowledge by quantitative
methods.? ? R.A. Fisher, 1948
Title: ERCIM 2012: Statistics & Computing, 1-3 December, Oviedo (Spain)

5th International Conference of the ERCIM WG on
1-3 December 2012, Conference Centre, Oviedo, Spain

Keynote Speakers:
Hans-Georg Müller, Peter Bühlmann and Esther Ruiz.

A list of invited and organized sessions can be found at

Tutorials are given on Friday the 30th of November 2012 by Andrew
Harvey and Hans Mueller.

All topics within the Aims and Scope of the ERCIM Working Group
Computing & Statistics will be considered for oral and poster

Topics includes, but not limited to: robust methods, statistical
algorithms and software, high-dimensional data analysis, statistics
for imprecise data, extreme value modeling, quantile regression and
semiparametric methods, model validation, functional data analysis,
Bayesian methods, optimization heuristics in estimation and modelling,
computational econometrics, quantitative finance, statistical signal
extraction and filtering, small area estimation, latent variable and
structural equation models, mixture models, matrix computations in
statistics, time series modeling and computation, optimal design
algorithms and computational statistics for clinical research.

The conference comprises a number of tracks, invited and organized
sessions. The organization of sessions within the framework of the
Working Group are strongly encouraged: http://www.dcs.bbk.ac.uk/ercim/

Publication: papers containing strong computational statistical, or
substantive data-analytic elements will be considered for publication
in a special peer-reviewed, or regular, issue of the Journal CSDA
(Computational Statistics and Data Analysis).

International Organizing Committee:
Ana Colubi, Christophe Croux, Erricos J. Kontoghiorghes and Herman
K. Van Dijk.

Co-Chairs: Gil Gonzalez-Rodriguez, Geoff McLachlan, Hannu Oja, Marco
Riani and Stephen Walker.

Scientific Program Committee: E. Ahmed, A.M. Alonso, A.C. Atkinson,
A. Christmann, A. Delaigle, T. Denoeux, M. Falk, P. Filzmoser,
P. Foschi, C. Gatu, L.A. Garcia-Escudero, R. Gerlach, M.I. Gomes,
A. Gordaliza, A. Grane, X. He, M.D. Jimenez-Gamero, M. Huber,
T. Kneib, V. Leiva, A. Lijoi, J. Lopez-Fidalgo, A. Luati,
G. Mackenzie, A. Mayo, S. Meintanis, I. Molina, D. Morales,
D. Paindaveine, M.C. Pardo, S. Paterlini, I. Pruenster, E. Ronchetti,
L. Ugarte, S. Van Aelst, I. Van Keilegom, P. Vieu, R. Zamar,
A. Zeileis.

Important dates:

Invited Abstract submission:            15 July 2012
Contributed Abstract submission:        5 September 2012
Tutorials:                              30 November 2012
Conference:                             1-3 December 2012
Publication of the CSDA Special Issues: 15 December 2013 (tentative)

The meeting will take place jointly with the 6th International
Conference on Computational and Financial Econometrics (CFE 2012):

For further information please contact: cfe-ercim@cfe-csda.org.