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Fwd: IBS Election Results

Caros colegas,
Para os que nao sabem ainda: John Hinde foi eleito para ser o
Vice-President (2013), President (2014-2015), Outgoing-President(2016)
da The International Biometric Society.

Saudações, Clarice

Clarice Garcia Borges Demétrio
Departamento de Ciências Exatas
Escola Superior de Agricultura "Luiz de Queiroz"
Universidade de São Paulo
Avenida Pádua Dias, 11
13418-900 Piracicaba, SP
phones: 55 19 34294144 R216
        55 19 34478628

Biometry, the active pursuit of biological knowledge by quantitative methods.? ? R.A. Fisher, 1948

Be a member of the International Biometric Society!
IBC2012, August, 26-31, 2012, Kobe, Japan

IBC2014, July, 6-11, 2014, Florence, Italy

----- Mensagem encaminhada de ibs@tibs.org -----
    Data: Thu, 05 Jul 2012 13:31:16 -0400
    De: ibs@tibs.org
 Assunto: IBS Election Results
      Para: clarice.demetrio@usp.br

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Dear Members of the Society,

We are pleased to announce the results of the recent election. John Hinde (BIR) has been elected as the new President-Elect of IBS. John's term of office will begin 1 January 2013 and he will serve through 2016, serving as President of the Society 2014-2015.

Thank you for your participation in the recent balloting and we encourage you to continue to participate in future issues put before the membership. With the change in governance structure, IBS members now play a major role in key matters of the Society. Members will be asked to ratify all amendments to the IBS Bylaws and will also be responsible for electing the officers and directors to the 15-member Executive Board. Please keep your email address current with the Society so you will not miss any important votes.

We hope you will join the Executive Committee in offering congratulation of John. Also, appreciation is greatly expressed to Tim Friede, Fred van Eeuwijk, and Linda Young, all outstanding candidates, who agreed to be nominated for President-elect but were not successful.

Please make plans to meet us in Kobe, Japan during the 26th IBC, 25-31 August 2012. You may view the updated IBC scientific programme at http://secretariat.ne.jp/ibc2012/programme.html http://secretariat.ne.jp/ibc2012/programme.html.

Best regards,

IBS Executive Committee

Clarice G.B. Demétrio, President
Kaye Basford, Outgoing President
Linda Young, Treasurer
Peter Njuho, Education Representative
Urania Dafni, Editorial Representative
Dee Ann Walker, Executive Director - ex-officio

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