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Fwd: HPC positions

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On Mon, Jul 9, 2012 at 7:40 AM, Elisa Nicolato <ELN@asb.dk> wrote:****

Dear colleague,****


The Finance Reserach Group at the Department of Economics and Business at
Aarhus University is participating in a newly initiated 4-year EU funded
project on âHigh Performance Computing for Financeâ. Other main partners in
the network/project are TUT (Finland), Maastricht University (NL),
University of Manchester (UK), Scottish Widows Investment Partnership (UK),
Techila (FI), and Cambridge Systems Ass. (UK). The training network will
recruit 12 Early Stage Researchers (Phd students) and 2 Experienced
Researchers (post.doc.). 3 of the PhD students will be hosted with us in
Aarhus, and these positions are now announced, please see the links below..
The three projects are related to 1) the integration of financial and
insurance models for risk management, 2) stochastic volatiltity modeling,
and 3) multivariate financial modeling. Further detail is given in the


The PhD student positions hosted by AU cannot be filled with our own
graduates, ie. we must recruit from abroad.****


We would therefore be extremely grateful if you would refer potential
applicants/suitable candidates that you may know, eg. among your
soon-to-graduate students, to the announcements. Please feel free to
forward to them. There is an application deadline of July 27th and we
hope to fill the positions soon after Summer, but we can wait for the right
candidate to arrive in Aarhus until late 2012.****


RP1 on âA Unified Risk Minimization Frameworkâ:


RP6 on âMethods for modeling and calibrating to volatility surfaces for
interest rates, equities, credit, and foreign exchangeâ:


RP14 on âMultivariate modeling for efficient pricing and hedging of
multi-asset derivativesâ:


More information about the Graduate School of Business and Social Sciences
can be found at: ****







Please fell free to contact us for more information.****


We kindly thank you for your help with this matter.****


Best regards****


Elisa Nicolato & Peter LÃchte JÃrgensen****



Finance Research Group****

Department of Economics and Business (www.econ.au.dk) ****

Business and Social Sciences****

Aarhus University****

Fuglesangs Allà 4****

Dk-8210 Aarhus V****






** **

----- Final da mensagem encaminhada -----

Nikolai Kolev <nkolev@ime.usp.br>