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FW: PhD scholarships now available for Brazilian students in Ireland

Clarice Garcia Borges Demétrio
Departamento de Ciências Exatas
Escola Superior de Agricultura "Luiz de Queiroz"
Universidade de São Paulo
Avenida Pádua Dias, 11
13418-900 Piracicaba, SP
phones: 55 19 34294144 R216
        55 19 34478628

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----- Mensagem encaminhada de john.hinde@nuigalway.ie -----
    Data: Thu, 30 Aug 2012 12:48:39 +0100
    De: "Hinde, John" <john.hinde@nuigalway.ie>
 Assunto: FW: PhD scholarships now available for Brazilian students in Ireland
      Para: Clarice Garcia Borges Demétrio <clarice.demetrio@usp.br>

Dear Clarice
Any possible candidates? Feel free to make this known more widely in the stats community in Brazil and that Ireland (specifically Galway!) will be included under this.
Best wishes


From: Byrnes, Lucy [mailto:lucy.byrnes@nuigalway.ie]
Sent: 30 August 2012 11:52
To: Byrnes, Lucy; Hinde, John; Elliott, Mark; Smyth, Maria; Curry, Ed; Corcoran, Peter; frank.sullivan@hse.ie Cc: Leonard, Anna Marie; Cunningham, Anna; Burns, Fiona; Lupton, Gary; Ryan, Ann; Smith, Terry; Hughes, Brian
Subject: PhD scholarships now available for Brazilian students in Ireland

Dear colleagues,

I am contacting you as you have previously expressed an interest in the Brazilian Science without Borders scheme for PhD scholarships, http://www.cienciasemfronteiras.gov.br/web/csf-eng/home
(more comprehensive information is provided here, in portugese  
http://www.cienciasemfronteiras.gov.br/web/csf - useful for Brazilian  
student applicants)

See below information on these opportunities from Dr. Lisa Looney, chair of the IUA Deans of Graduate Studies group, who recently returned from a visit to Brazil:

'There is currently a call open for PhD fellowships (to all approved countries) with a deadline of Sept 27th. Should an applicant apply with an offer from an Irish University in this round they will be considered for funding. This will not be obvious from the website.
While I'd been told that students generally do a research masters  
prior to undertaking a PhD in Brazil, the officials said that this is  
not necessary for funding, and they will fund someone with a good  
undergrad grade.
There will be a rolling call for PhD fellowships ( about every 3  
months) subsequent to the Sept date and Ireland is now 'in'. However,  
they will not put a link to Ireland on their website until we have a  
portal ready on our end. It's important that they do this, because  
otherwise many searching applicants will not know Ireland is 'ok'.'

FYI, the IUA is working on an interface portal (Euraxess) to facilitate the link between SwB and Ireland, to which each Irish university will link. There will be a general announcement on this scheme to all academic staff when this portal is ready. In the meantime, please feel free to circulate this information.

Wishing you success in this scheme!

Kind regards,


Dr. Lucy Byrnes

Dean of Graduate Studies

From: Byrnes, Lucy
Sent: 22 June 2012 11:13
To: Hinde, John; Elliott, Mark; Smyth, Maria; Edward Curry; Corcoran, Peter
Cc: Donohue, Sandra; Leonard, Anna Marie; Cunningham, Anna; Burns, Fiona; Lupton, Gary; Ryan, Ann
Subject: Science without Borders - Brazilian Scholarship Programme

Dear colleagues,

Thanks for letting me know of your contacts with Brazil, or your interest in developing them.
Sinead Lucey, from the IUA Internationalisation section, gave a brief  
presentation on the Science without Borders scheme to the Deans of  
Graduate Studies Group last Friday.
Minister Hogan signed the 2nd MoU in Brazil yesterday to allow Ireland  
become one of the host countries for these funded Brazilian students.

An Irish delegation will travel to Brazil towards the end of July to formalize the process and work out the call details.
A call could be issued in Autumn 2012.

I will keep you posted when I hear more.

In the meantime, you may have an opportunity to further develop your relationships with Brazil in preparation for this call.
Kind regards,


Dr. Lucy Byrnes

Dean of Graduate Studies

----- Final da mensagem encaminhada -----