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ISBA: one request f

Caros colegas da rede,
Segue a seguinte mensagem do Fabrizio ( ISBA president )para aqueles que estiverem interessados. Josemar
ISBA is thinking of introducing an Institutional Membership
(IM) for academic departments and companies. ISBA is currently
expanding its actions, especially through new sections and
courses. I expect every year there will be many events (meetings,
schools, courses, webinars) ISBA will organise and its members
will pay significantly reduced fees.

IM could allow for discounted rates to X members of a department
or a company for Y events (with an extra discount for individuals
who are ISBA members), a link from the ISBA webpage to the
department or company webpage, a public recognition of the support,
Z free ads in the ISBA website about Ph.D. programmes, events,
jobs and company's. (X,Y,Z) could be different according to the
levels of IM (let's call them "Silver" (500 USD per year?) and
"Gold" (1000 USD per year?)).

I would like to know if you think your department/company could
be interested in IM and which kind of benefits ISBA should provide
(the previous ones are just some possible).

Thanks a lot. Best regards, Fabrizio.
Fabrizio Ruggeri fabrizio AT mi.imati.cnr.it
CNR IMATI tel +39 0223699532
Via Bassini 15 fax +39 0223699538
I-20133 Milano (Italy)