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Using the International Year of Statistics logo on your website


-------- Mensagem original --------

Assunto: using the International Year of Statistics logo on your website
Data: Thu, 13 Sep 2012 13:46:25 +0000
Para: Wasserstein, Ronald L.
CC: Myers, Jeffrey

(The following note is being sent to all participating organizations in the International Year of Statistics)


Dear Colleagues,

Thank you again for your interest in the International Year of Statistics.  Many of you have already put the International Year of Statistics logo on your websites.  Thank you!  If you haven't, we encourage you to consider doing so.  


Specifically, we invite you to post the text below my signature and the International Year of Statistics “participant” logo (attached) in a prominent location on the homepage of your organization’s public website, ideally so that it appears on the screen when the homepage first loads.


Thank you all!

Ron Wasserstein (for the Statistics2013 Steering Committee)



NOTE: Please feel free to modify (and translate) this text. 


[INSERT NAME OF YOUR ORGANIZATION] Is Participating in the International Year of Statistics 2013


[INSERT NAME OF YOUR ORGANIZATION] is proud to announce it is participating in the International Year of Statistics 2013, a worldwide celebration of the contributions of statistical science to the advancement of our global society.


More than 700 organizations—universities, research institutes, high schools, professional societies, government agencies and businesses—in nearly 100 countries are joining to celebrate and promote the importance of statistical science to the science community, businesses, governments, the news media, policymakers, employers, students and the public.


During this yearlong celebration, [INSERT NAME OF YOUR ORGANIZATION] and the hundreds of other participating organizations around the world will be:

* Increasing public awareness of the power and impact of statistics on all aspects of our society

* Nurturing statistics as a profession, especially among high-school and college students

* Promoting creativity and development in the sciences of probability and statistics


Be sure to visit our website in the months ahead to learn more about how Statistics helps shape your everyday life.





Attachment: IYSTAT Logo_ParticipatingOrg.jpg
Description: JPEG image