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[Fwd: update on the International Year of Statistics]

Brazilian Statistical Association
International Year of Statistics Newsletter, Nov. 19, 2012
Word is Spreading
The word about the International Year of Statistics (Statistics2013) is
starting to circle the globe. Check out this entry by the writers at
a blog written by doctoral students and post-docs at the Université
If your company or organization has a blog we encourage you to write about
Statistics2013. Send the link to
Jeffrey@amstat.org<mailto:Jeffrey@amstat.org> so we can post it to the
public website.
Participation Continues to Grow
Many companies are joining the International Year of Statistics as
participating organizations every week. The latest is Intel, which joined
last week. To see a complete list of participating organizations,
including companies, colleges and universities, professional societies,
national statistical agencies, primary and secondary schools, research
institutes, go here<http://statistics2013.org/participants.cfm>.  The
total number of participating organizations as of November 19 is 1,186. 
(About 12% of these are businesses.)
Biometrics to Feature Statistics2013
Biometrics magazine<http://www.biometrics.tibs.org/>, a publication of the
International Biometric Society (IBS), will be showcasing Statistics2013
throughout the coming year. Here are some of the things it already has
done and will be doing:

  *   The Statistics2013 logo is posted on its
website<http://www.biometrics.tibs.org/> for authors and will be adding
a link and a news item about Biometrics-related Statistics 2013
activities at the beginning of the year.
  *   The magazine's publisher, Wiley-Blackwell, will be displaying the
Statistics2013 logo on Biometric's Online Library website and promoting
the event extensively, including:
     *   Creating a special, free online Statistics2013 "virtual journal
issue" featuring top-cited or accessed articles from all journals in
its statistics portfolio (including the Royal Statistical Society
journals, Biometrics, Statistics in Medicine, and others); Biometrics
has contributed three articles to this special section.
  *   The magazine's co-editors have created a special online "virtual
issue" featuring all the papers that have won the "Best Paper by an IBS
Member" Award since its inception plus two to three of the most highly
cited papers from Biometrics over the past decade. (Both virtual issues
are expected to be available online in early 2013 and will be accessible
the entire year.)
  *   The cover of the print version of Biometrics will include the
Statistics2013 logo during the next year.
  *   Executive Editor Marie Davidian will highlight all these items in
her next column for the Biometric Bulletin.
Kudos to IBS and Biometrics for their commitment to Statistics2013!
Tell us about your organization's plans and activities for promoting and
celebrating the International Year of Statistics. E-mail the information
to Jeffrey@amstat.org<mailto:Jeffrey@amstat.org> and we'll post it to the
Statistics2013 website and share your stories with other participating
organizations through this twice-monthly newsletter.
Uganda Statistical Society Organizing Seminars for 2013
The Uganda Statistical Society (http://theugss.org/) has scheduled monthly
seminars for Statistics2013. On 14 January 2013 it plans a symposium on
statistical and other research methods. ASA Executive Director Ron
Wasserstein will be a plenary speaker.
NCHS Promoting Statistics2013
The National Center for Health Statistics<http://www.cdc.gov/nchs/>, a
division of the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, has
posted the International Year of Statistics logo on its website.  It joins
the Bureau of Economic Analysis<http://bea.gov/>, National Center for
Education Statistics<http://nces.ed.gov/>, Bureau of Labor
Statistics<http://www.bls.gov/ore/> and National Center for Health
Statistics<http://www.cdc.gov/nchs/> as U.S. government statistical
agencies that are promoting Statistics2013 through their websites.
Thank you to the NCHS leadership for helping to spread the word about the
International Year of Statistics to the public, their internal audiences
and the agency's key stakeholders.
AWIS on Board Preparing for 2013
The Association of Women in Science<http://www.awis.org> (AWIS) is busily
preparing for the International Year of Statistics. The organization has
named American Statistical Association Fellow and AWIS member Lee-Ann
Hayek as its Statistics2013 spokesperson, is creating an area on its
website dedicated to the celebration and is developing a series of
profiles of women in statistics it will highlight on its website as well
as at www.statistics2013.org<http://www.statistics2013.org>. Additionally,
Hayek is preparing a STEMiNAR, or webinar, on careers in statistics for
women that it will share with us. Kudos to AWIS and Hayek for their
outstanding commitment to Statistics2013!
African University Seeking Collaborative Partner
The Department of Statistics at Arba Minch
University<http://www.amu.edu.et> in Ethiopia is seeking a partner to help
it participate in Statistics2013. It is planning to celebrate and promote
the International Year of Statistics by working to achieve these goals:

  *   Increasing public awareness about the use and application of
statistics to solve different problems of society.
  *   Organizing a panel discussion with other institutions and fellow
practitioners focused on how to bridge the gap of understanding about
  *   Providing training on the application of statistical software to
research organizations and the various colleges within the university
and around the country.
  *   Collaborating with the International Year of Statistics 2013
Steering Committee to share its experience with the world.

Specifically, it is seeking to work cooperatively with statistical
associations and other interested groups that will help the department
achieve its previously noted goals. To lend your organization's
assistance, please e-mail Tilahun Ferede Asena, lecturer of statistics, at
Help Make Statistics2013 Website Global
The International Year of Statistics Steering Committee is seeking content
contributions in several subject areas from participating organizations
for the Statistics2013 public website. Those areas and a brief explanation
of each are:

1.       Statistic of the Day-A series of four or five brief, informative
statistical facts about your country, for example, its population, economy
and education system; the health of its citizens; and similar social,
economic, government and other relevant topics.
2.       Around the World in Statistics-A short 150 to 200 word article
about how statistics makes life better for the people of your country.
3.       Statistician Job of the Week-A short 150 to 250 word article
written by one of your organization's members talking about his/her job as
a statistician and how he/she is contributing to improving our global
4.       Statistics in Action-A photo with a brief caption that shows how
statistics improves the quality of life of your country's people.
5.       Careers Information-The hyperlink to the statistics career
information that is posted on your organization's website.
6.       Educational Resources-The hyperlink to the primary and secondary
school statistics education resources that are posted on your
organization's website.

Your contributions will help make the International Year of Statistics
website a worldwide representation of the reach and impact of statistics.
The Statistics2013 public website will be launched soon, so send us your
content or links as soon as possible.

To contribute, email the items to
Statistics Cloud Image Available
We have posted the popular statistics cloud artwork (the graphic with the
word "statistics" in various languages) online at
www.statistics2013.org<http://www.statistics2013.org> where you can
download and use it in your promotional materials.
You could use it on your website, on printed materials and banners to name
a few ideas. Get creative and share your ideas with us at
Jeffrey@amstat.org<mailto:Jeffrey@amstat.org>. We will pass them on to the
nearly 1,200 other participating organizations around the world.
To access and download the graphic go
New Language-Specific Logos Available
The Statistics2013 logo is now available in 17
languages<http://www.statistics2013.org/logos.cfm> and we can create new
ones if you need one. To have a version of the Statistics2013 logo created
in your country's language, please e-mail the following information to
1.       The interpretation of "International Year of Statistics" in the
appropriate font in this format: International Year of Statistics="The
interpreted phrase"
2.       The interpretation of "Participating Organization" in the
appropriate font in this format: Participating Organization="The
interpreted phrase"
3.       A high-resolution PDF document or a .tif file of the
interpretations of the "International Year of Statistics" and
"Participating Organization". (This file will be used to compare against
the font to ensure it was transmitted properly. If it doesn't compare
accurately, we will use the image of the interpretations from the PDF or
.tif in the logo instead. This step will ensure accuracy of your custom
Once your language-specific logo is created it will be posted to the
Statistics2013 website here<http://www.statistics2013.org/logos.cfm> and
we will send you an email to let you know the logo is available for
Share Your Logo with Us
If you already have created a version of the Statistics2013 logo in your
country's language, please e-mail a jpg file to
Jeffrey@amstat.org<mailto:Jeffrey@amstat.org> and we'll post it to the
website so others can use it.
Follow Statistics2013 on Twitter
Get the latest International Year of Statistics news and updates by
following us on Twitter @Statistics2013. Also, use Twitter to spread the
word about Statistics2013. Be sure to use the hashtag #STATS2013 when you
send a tweet.

Luiz Koodi Hotta

Brazilian Statistical Association

International Year of Statistics Newsletter, Nov. 19, 2012

Word is Spreading

The word about the International Year of Statistics (Statistics2013) is starting to circle the globe. Check out this entry by the writers at Statisfaction, a blog written by doctoral students and post-docs at the Université Paris-Dauphine.

If your company or organization has a blog we encourage you to write about Statistics2013. Send the link to Jeffrey@amstat.org so we can post it to the public website.

Participation Continues to Grow

Many companies are joining the International Year of Statistics as participating organizations every week. The latest is Intel, which joined last week. To see a complete list of participating organizations, including companies, colleges and universities, professional societies, national statistical agencies, primary and secondary schools, research institutes, go here.  The total number of participating organizations as of November 19 is 1,186.  (About 12% of these are businesses.)

Biometrics to Feature Statistics2013

Biometrics magazine, a publication of the International Biometric Society (IBS), will be showcasing Statistics2013 throughout the coming year. Here are some of the things it already has done and will be doing:

  • The Statistics2013 logo is posted on its website for authors and will be adding a link and a news item about Biometrics-related Statistics 2013 activities at the beginning of the year.
  • The magazine’s publisher, Wiley-Blackwell, will be displaying the Statistics2013 logo on Biometric’s Online Library website and promoting the event extensively, including:
    • Creating a special, free online Statistics2013 "virtual journal issue" featuring top-cited or accessed articles from all journals in its statistics portfolio (including the Royal Statistical Society journals, Biometrics, Statistics in Medicine, and others); Biometrics has contributed three articles to this special section.
  • The magazine’s co-editors have created a special online "virtual issue" featuring all the papers that have won the "Best Paper by an IBS Member" Award since its inception plus two to three of the most highly cited papers from Biometrics over the past decade. (Both virtual issues are expected to be available online in early 2013 and will be accessible the entire year.)
  • The cover of the print version of Biometrics will include the Statistics2013 logo during the next year.
  • Executive Editor Marie Davidian will highlight all these items in her next column for the Biometric Bulletin.

Kudos to IBS and Biometrics for their commitment to Statistics2013!

Tell us about your organization’s plans and activities for promoting and celebrating the International Year of Statistics. E-mail the information to Jeffrey@amstat.org and we’ll post it to the Statistics2013 website and share your stories with other participating organizations through this twice-monthly newsletter.

Uganda Statistical Society Organizing Seminars for 2013

The Uganda Statistical Society (http://theugss.org/) has scheduled monthly seminars for Statistics2013. On 14 January 2013 it plans a symposium on statistical and other research methods. ASA Executive Director Ron Wasserstein will be a plenary speaker.

NCHS Promoting Statistics2013

The National Center for Health Statistics, a division of the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, has posted the International Year of Statistics logo on its website.  It joins the Bureau of Economic Analysis, National Center for Education Statistics, Bureau of Labor Statistics and National Center for Health Statistics as U.S. government statistical agencies that are promoting Statistics2013 through their websites.

Thank you to the NCHS leadership for helping to spread the word about the International Year of Statistics to the public, their internal audiences and the agency’s key stakeholders.

AWIS on Board Preparing for 2013

The Association of Women in Science (AWIS) is busily preparing for the International Year of Statistics. The organization has named American Statistical Association Fellow and AWIS member Lee-Ann Hayek as its Statistics2013 spokesperson, is creating an area on its website dedicated to the celebration and is developing a series of profiles of women in statistics it will highlight on its website as well as at www.statistics2013.org. Additionally, Hayek is preparing a STEMiNAR, or webinar, on careers in statistics for women that it will share with us. Kudos to AWIS and Hayek for their outstanding commitment to Statistics2013! 

African University Seeking Collaborative Partner

The Department of Statistics at Arba Minch University in Ethiopia is seeking a partner to help it participate in Statistics2013. It is planning to celebrate and promote the International Year of Statistics by working to achieve these goals:

  • Increasing public awareness about the use and application of statistics to solve different problems of society.
  • Organizing a panel discussion with other institutions and fellow practitioners focused on how to bridge the gap of understanding about statistics.
  • Providing training on the application of statistical software to research organizations and the various colleges within the university and around the country.
  • Collaborating with the International Year of Statistics 2013 Steering Committee to share its experience with the world.


Specifically, it is seeking to work cooperatively with statistical associations and other interested groups that will help the department achieve its previously noted goals. To lend your organization’s assistance, please e-mail Tilahun Ferede Asena, lecturer of statistics, at feredetilahun14@gmail.com.

Help Make Statistics2013 Website Global

The International Year of Statistics Steering Committee is seeking content contributions in several subject areas from participating organizations for the Statistics2013 public website. Those areas and a brief explanation of each are:


1.       Statistic of the Day—A series of four or five brief, informative statistical facts about your country, for example, its population, economy and education system; the health of its citizens; and similar social, economic, government and other relevant topics.

2.       Around the World in Statistics—A short 150 to 200 word article about how statistics makes life better for the people of your country.

3.       Statistician Job of the Week—A short 150 to 250 word article written by one of your organization’s members talking about his/her job as a statistician and how he/she is contributing to improving our global society.

4.       Statistics in Action—A photo with a brief caption that shows how statistics improves the quality of life of your country’s people.

5.       Careers Information—The hyperlink to the statistics career information that is posted on your organization’s website.

6.       Educational Resources—The hyperlink to the primary and secondary school statistics education resources that are posted on your organization’s website.


Your contributions will help make the International Year of Statistics website a worldwide representation of the reach and impact of statistics. The Statistics2013 public website will be launched soon, so send us your content or links as soon as possible.


To contribute, email the items to Jeffrey@amstat.org.

Statistics Cloud Image Available

We have posted the popular statistics cloud artwork (the graphic with the word “statistics” in various languages) online at www.statistics2013.org where you can download and use it in your promotional materials.

You could use it on your website, on printed materials and banners to name a few ideas. Get creative and share your ideas with us at Jeffrey@amstat.org. We will pass them on to the nearly 1,200 other participating organizations around the world.

To access and download the graphic go here.

New Language-Specific Logos Available

The Statistics2013 logo is now available in 17 languages and we can create new ones if you need one. To have a version of the Statistics2013 logo created in your country’s language, please e-mail the following information to Jeffrey@amstat.org:

1.       The interpretation of “International Year of Statistics” in the appropriate font in this format: International Year of Statistics=“The interpreted phrase”

2.       The interpretation of “Participating Organization” in the appropriate font in this format: Participating Organization=“The interpreted phrase”

3.       A high-resolution PDF document or a .tif file of the interpretations of the “International Year of Statistics” and “Participating Organization”. (This file will be used to compare against the font to ensure it was transmitted properly. If it doesn't compare accurately, we will use the image of the interpretations from the PDF or .tif in the logo instead. This step will ensure accuracy of your custom logo.) 

Once your language-specific logo is created it will be posted to the Statistics2013 website here and we will send you an email to let you know the logo is available for download.

Share Your Logo with Us

If you already have created a version of the Statistics2013 logo in your country’s language, please e-mail a jpg file to Jeffrey@amstat.org and we’ll post it to the website so others can use it.

Follow Statistics2013 on Twitter

Get the latest International Year of Statistics news and updates by following us on Twitter @Statistics2013. Also, use Twitter to spread the word about Statistics2013. Be sure to use the hashtag #STATS2013 when you send a tweet.