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ISI Membership Matters
- Subject: ISI Membership Matters
- From: pam@ime.usp.br
- Date: Fri, 30 Nov 2012 16:32:42 -0200
Leitores da Lista da ABE:
O ISI estabeleceu recentemente a categoria de Membro Regular. A seguir
informação sobre anuidades.
Reduced Rate for Regular Membership:
As you know, we introduced a new category of Regular Membership. To
attract new members in this category, the EC has introduced reduced
rates for two groups:
a) All members of National Statistical Societies from developing
countries<http://www.isi-web.org/developing> are eligible for a 50%
reduction in regular membership rate; and
b) All young members (35 years old or younger) of National
Statistical Societies from developed counties are also eligible for a
50% reduction in regular membership rate.
You will find more information about the membership fees at