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Fw: IASE Executive news

repassando para eventuais interessados...

abrÃs, lisbeth

-----Mensagem Original----- From: jharraway@maths.otago.ac.nz
Sent: Thursday, February 07, 2013 4:45 AM
To: lisbethk@terra.com.br
Subject: IASE Executive news

Dear Lisbeth

I have three news items for members; detaill about the Satellite
Conference in Macao; information about the ISLP Poster Competition;
information about our new IASE website.

The Joint Satellite with IAOS in Macao before the WSC in Hong Kong in
August will have an updated web site
http://www.conkerstatistics.co.uk/iase2013/ with registration
procedure and accommodation details  within the next 48 hours. The
Statistics and Census Service of Macao, China is providing us with
incredible sponsorship by funding the Conference venue at Macao Tower,
funding equipment rental and manpower support; coffee break catering;
lunches; welcome dinner on 21 August, conference dinner on 23 August
and closing dinner on 24 August; a half-day local tour; printing of
delegate name badges and backdrop/banners; production of conference
bag and souvenir for delegates; photography and video taking.

I have expressed the gratitude of IASE to the Director of the Office,
Ms Kong, in Macao, China and IAOS have also done this. I am hoping
that such amazing sponsorship will encourage a large attendance from
IASE. Expressions of interest in presenting a paper should be directed
to Brian Philipps at bphillips@swin.edu.au within the next few days.
If you wish to present a paper on Official Statistics please contact
Sharleen Forbes. Soon we shall be working on the programme but we
still have some gaps for presentations.

There should also be limited funds available to support presenters
from Developing Countries. In the first instance you should contact me
if you think you qualify.

The International Statistics Literacy Project 2013 has been launched.
Please go to http://iase-web.org/islp/ and select the poster
competition where you will find all details. Read the latest news
bulletin for January 2013 where you will also discover that the poster
competition is the major contribution of IASE to the Year of
Statistics 2013 with about 100 countries participating.

I can also report that a grant of Euro 3500 for the winning
international posters has been received from the Wakimoto Memorial
Fund. This is a Japanese trust set up by Mrs Wakimoto to honour her
husband, a prominant Japanese statistician who died at a young age.
The family have a wish to support young statisticians. I am writing to
Mrs Wakimoto and Jae C Lee who coordinated this grant expressing the
gratitude of IASE and the ISLP.

You will have also had a chance to review the new website
http://iase-web.org/ for IASE. We are currently investigating many of
the links from the old site which are no longer operational. I have
also located some important documents from Brian Philipps which will
allow us to upload the missing Proceedings for ICOTS1 and ICOTS4. If
anyone has suggestions for the site please contact me.

I hope you find these periodic news letters informative. I direct
currently to all with current emails who have ever been members of

Best wishes
John Harraway
President IASE
Chair ISLP Advisory Committee