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Artigos livres para o ISI - submissao reaberta

parece que os organizadores do congresso do ISI em Hong Kong reabriram as submissoes dos `contributed papers`. Vejam os dois links abaixo:
Neste ultimo vao encontrar a mensagem abaixo:
Abstract Submission for the Contributed Paper/Poster Session (CPS)

Thank you for your interest in the Contributed Paper/Poster Session (CPS). The closing date for abstract submission for the CPS was 1 December 2012.

In response to numerous requests, the Local Programme Committee (LPC) still allows late submissions.

But submissions received after 1 December 2012 would be considered with lower priority than those timely ones as a matter of natural justice in general. Besides, late submissions, if accepted, would likely be allocated to the poster-display presentation mode (with or without on-spot discussion).

With this understanding, interested parties may submit (i) the proposed abstract which should follow the specific Abstracts Guidelines, and (ii) the completed standard form; to the LPC at WSC2013-LPC@censtatd.gov.hk as soon as possible.

When filling in the standard form, you may need to make reference to the subject category here. You may also express your preference on presentation mode and the LPC will take your preference into account as far as possible.

For any query, please contact the LPC for the 59th WSC by e-mail.
Para quem ainda tiver chance de submeter artigo, vale a pena tentar.
Saudacoes. Pedro.

PS: Desculpem a falta de acentos, mas escrevo de um teclado ingles...
Pedro Luis do Nascimento Silva
IBGE - Escola Nacional de Ciências Estatísticas
Phone: +55 21 21424957