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Seminário PIPGEs - UFSCar/USP - 11/10/2013 - 10h00 - no ICMC-USP

Seminário PIPGEs - UFSCar/USP ? 11/10/2013 - 10h00

LOCAL: Auditório Fernão Stella de Rodrigues Germano, no bloco 6 do ICMC-USP


TÍTULO: The Future of Statistical Science


PALESTRANTE: Miodrag Lovric

- Professor Titular da Universidade de Kragujevac (Sérvia) e Prof. Visitante Universidade Federal de Pernambuco,
- Editor Chefe da Enciclopédia Internacional de Ciência Estatística (publicado pela Springer).



Despite some recent vigorously promulgated criticisms of statistical methods - particularly significance tests - methodological limitations, and misuses of statistics, we are the ones still living in the golden age of statistics. Statistics plays a vital role in collecting, summarising, analysing, and interpreting data in almost all branches of science from supporting big bang theory to the moving of particles at the sub-atomic level.

This lecture will reflect on the past, current and future of statistics based on the following issues:

1. What is the Statistics and what Statistical Science: towards the unified definition

2. Statistics and mathematics, is statistics a separate discipline?

3. The origin of the term 'statistics' - for the first time the correct origin will be disclosed in this lecture

4. Some relatively unknown but important statistical stories of success and high appreciation of statisticians in the past

5. The golden age of statistics versus relatively poor public image of it in many countries - statistics as a 'grammar of science' or 'vehicle' of modern research

6. Reasons for poor public perception, ways and actions to overcome this

7. Future of statistics education - of students, scientific workers, practical researchers and general public

8. Crisis of statistics education in many developing countries

9. Recent harsh attacks on statistics as a discipline

10. Controversies in statistics, short overview

11. Collaboration of statisticians with other scientists

12. Challenges and rise of statistics in 21st century.