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PhD fellowships - Fapesp/Neuromat project

Prezados colegas,

peÃo por gentileza que seja divulgada a oferta de bolsas de doutorado para o projeto
Fapesp-Neuromat entre atuais alunos e interessados.

Muito obrigada,


The recently established Research, Innovation and Dissemination
Center for Neuromathematics (NeuroMat), hosted by the University of
SÃo Paulo, Brazil, and funded by FAPESP (SÃo Paulo Research
Foundation) is offering two doctoral fellowships for candidates
with outstanding research potential.

The fellowships are available for new students as well as those that began
the Phd in 2013 and who wish to work under the supervision of one of the
Neuromat principal investigators.

Applications can be sent to the email phd-appl@numec.prp.usp.br containing:
1 - a short CV.
2 - a declaration of intentions indicating your interests in one or more of
the NeuroMat projects.
3 - the name and email of two persons for professional references.

Final acceptance of candidates involves a successful (independent)
application to one of the PhD programs in which the principal
investigators of the
Neuromat project are involved. These include (but are not restricted to)

- PhD program in Statistics - USP (http://www.ime.usp.br/en/mae/pos)
- PhD program in Computer Science - USP (http://www.ime.usp.br/dcc/pos)
- PhD program in Bioinformatics - USP (http://www.ime.usp.br/posbioinfo/)

For more information about the Neuromat project see:
More detailed information about the fellowships can be found here:


Florencia Leonardi