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Fw: IASE - ICOTS9 registration now open, statistics education


** THE CONFERENCE: ICOTS9, the premiere statistics education event, will take place on July 13-19, 2014, in Flagstaff, Arizona USA. ICOTS9 is organized by IASE, the International Association for Statistical Education, and co-sponsored by the American Statistical Association and the International Statistical Institute. ICOTS meetings are lively, informal gatherings that draw together several hundreds of people interested in the learning, teaching, and understanding of statistics and probability at schools and universities, in the workplace, and in professional and societal contexts, whether as part of statistics education, mathematics or science education, in connection with the work of official statistics agencies and other data producers, and in many other contexts. The conference is taking place in a unique facility (High Country Conference Center) at the Northern Arizona University campus, in close proximity to world-class attractions
such as the Grand Canyon and the red cliffs of Sedona.

** THE PROGRAM: The scientific & professional program for ICOTS is shaping up nicely; dozens of invited sessions on a range of topics are already in place, and over 150 additional contributed papers have already been accepted and now being processed. Please check the ICOTS website: http://icots.net/9/ to see how the program is evolving. Note: you can still submit a *POSTER* proposal until Jan 31, 2014 (see under "scientific program"). Posters are a great way to share your work and findings with the
many folks who will attend ICOTS.

1. Please register early (up to March 31, 2014) to enjoy reduced registration fees. There are many hotel options... but the discounted rooms at the university dormitories
will be in high demand.
2. There are several registration categories, including reduced fees for teachers and for folks from developing countries (we use the World Bank list of developing countries, which is on the website). If you are not an IASE member yet, there is a great option to join at a reduced rate until the end of 2015 as part of your registration, which enables
you to get the member rate for the conference.
3. We worked hard to plan several pre-conference workshops and one post-conference workshop on a range of applied topics in statistics education. The separate fees for all workshops are low and only cover our basic expenses, and include lunch as well. This is a good way to do some hands-on work in a small group and meet new people before the conference begins. (Note: workshop D is in Spanish and is sponsored by IASE, as part of
our capacity-building mission). Space in all workshops is limited.
4. The registration fees include 5 breakfasts and 5 lunches, all at the conference facility. This simplifies your life as a participant and increases options for socializing
during the day.
5. Several tours will be offered to nearby attractions as part of the optional
excursions, and we are working on arrangements for accompanying persons.

Putting a conference together requires much effort. Thanks to the IASE teams, committees, and organizers who are working hard to make this conference a pleasurable and informative experience, and to our friends at ASA and at Northern Arizona University for helping and
supporting the conference in several ways.

Please circulate this message to interested people in your country or professional groups. ICOTS is a unique conference and we hope you can help us spread the word. Thanks!

We look forward to seeing you in Arizona!


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Iddo Gal, PhD
Chair, Department of Human Services
University of Haifa, 31905 Haifa, Israel
E-mail: iddo@research.haifa.ac.il
President, Int'l Association for Statistical Education, IASE