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Workshop on Generalized Additive Models with P-splines

Workshop on Generalized Additive Models with P-splines


Palestrante: Maria Durban (Universidad Carlos III de Madrid)

PerÃodo: 13 a 16/05/2014

HorÃrio: 9h Ãs 12h e 14h Ãs 16h

Local: Departamento de CiÃncias Exatas, ESALQ/USP, Piracicaba, SP



1. Introduction

1.1 Beyond the linear regression model

1.2 Review of generalized linear models


2. Smoothing methods

2.1 Polynomial regression

2.2 Kernels

2.3 Smoothing splines


3. Penalized splines (P-splines)

3.1 Basis and penalties

3.2 Smoothing parameter selection

3.3 P-splines for multidimensional data


4. Generalized additive models

4.1 Estimation and inference

4.2 mgcv library in R

4.3 Variable selection

4.2 Goodness of _t


5. Applications

5.1 Semiparametric and additive models

5.2 Correlated data

5.3 Longitudinal data

5.3 Models for discrete response variables

Dentro em breve serÃo abertas as inscriÃÃes.


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