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Fw: Regular Registration open and program available for ISBA 2014 world meeting

---------- Forwarded Message -----------
From: "ISBA Events" <program-council@bayesian.org>
To: Alexandra Schmidt <alex@im.ufrj.br>
Sent: Mon, 24 Mar 2014 21:15:40 -0400
Subject: Regular Registration open and program available for ISBA 2014 world

    Regular Registration is now open and a preliminary version of the
Scientific Program is now available for the ISBA 2014 world meeting at
Cancun, Mexico, 13 to 18 July 2014. Please check the ISBA 2014 web
page for more information at   
http://bayesian.org/sites/all/modules/civicrm/extern/url.php?u=302&qid=284266 [1]

	(Please refresh your browser when you reach the site to make sure
you're seeing the most up to date information.) 
  Regular registration ends on 15 May. Updates on the program and more
conference information will be posted in the web page as it becomes
------- End of Forwarded Message -------

Alexandra Mello Schmidt
Professora Titular
Diretora Adjunta Pos-Graduacao do IM
Departamento de Metodos Estatisticos
IM - Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro
Caixa Postal 68530 Rio de Janeiro - RJ 
CEP:21.945-970 Brasil
Tel: 0055 21 2562 7505 Ramal (Extension) 240
Fax: 0055 21 2562 7374


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<div>Regular Registration is now open and a preliminary version of the Scientific Program</div>
<div>is now available for the ISBA 2014 world meeting at Cancun, Mexico,&nbsp;<span class="aBn" data-term="goog_102463622"><span class="aQJ">13 to 18 July 2014</span></span>.</div>
<div>Please check the ISBA 2014 web page for more information at&nbsp;</div>
<div><a href='http://bayesian.org/sites/all/modules/civicrm/extern/url.php?u=301&qid=284266' target="_blank">http://isba2014.eventos.cimat.mx</a></div>
<p>(Please refresh your browser when you reach the site to make sure you're seeing the most up to date information.)</p>
<div><br />
<div>Regular registration ends on&nbsp;<span class="aBn" data-term="goog_102463623"><span class="aQJ">15 May.</span></span>&nbsp;&nbsp;Updates on the program and more conference information</div>
<div>will be posted in the web page as it becomes available.</div>
Sent from  the International Society for Bayesian Analysis <div class="location vcard"><span class="adr"><span class="street-address">members-info@bayesian.org</span><br /></span></div>

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<img src="http://bayesian.org/sites/all/modules/civicrm/extern/open.php?q=284266"; width='1' height='1' alt='' border='0'>