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Fw: Final Call for Papers for BAYSM 2014

Prezados Colegas,

Na tentativa de divulgar mais eventos direcionados a estudantes de doutorado e
 recem doutores, vejam o encontro abaixo organizado pela sessao j-ISBA
(Junior-ISBA). A lista de "Keynote Speakers" e Debatedores esta' super

Bom feriado!


---------- Forwarded Message -----------
From: ISBA Webmaster <webmaster@bayesian.org>
To: conferences@bayesian.org
Sent: Thu,  1 May 2014 13:55:53 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: Final Call for Papers for BAYSM 2014

BAYSM 2014 is the second edition of the Bayesian Young Statisticians
Meeting. The meeting provides a platform for students and young researchers
working or interested in the field of Bayesian statistics to present their
research, obtain feedback and discuss open problems. Young researchers can
form collaborations and make contacts with senior researchers of the
Bayesian community at an early stage in their career. Aside from academia,
BAYSM aims for attracting young researchers in applied fields of Bayesian
statistics, such as machine learning, bioinformatics and econometrics.

BAYSM 2014 will take place in Vienna at the newly built and opened campus
of the WU Vienna University of Business and Economics on September 18-19.
Information about the meeting, the location and the program are available
on our website: http://baysm2014.wu.ac.at/. We hope for your participation
and encourage you to submit an abstract online by May 4, 2014. Details
about the submission are provided on http://baysm2014.wu.ac.at/call.php.

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Alexandra Mello Schmidt
Professora Titular
Diretora Adjunta Pos-Graduacao do IM
Departamento de Metodos Estatisticos
IM - Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro
Caixa Postal 68530 Rio de Janeiro - RJ 
CEP:21.945-970 Brasil
Tel: 0055 21 3938 7505 Ramal (Extension) 240
Fax: 0055 21 3938 7374
