Programming is best regarded as the process of
creating works of literature,
which are meant to be read.
— Donald E. Knuth,
Literate Programming
Comments are, at best, a necessary evil.
The proper use of comments is to compensate
for our failure to express ourself in code
Truth can only be found in one place: the code.
— Robert C. Martin,
Clean Code
Use definite, specific, concrete language.
Write with nouns and verbs.
Put the emphatic words at the end.
Omit needless words.
— W. Strunk, Jr. & E.B. White,
The Elements of Style
Some people believe that to document a program you must write many comments interpersed with the code. This is wrong! A good documentation does not pollute the code with comments. A good documentation restricts itself to
explain what each function of the program does.
A good documentation does not waste time trying to explain how the function does what it does, because the interested reader can read the code.
The distinction between what and how is the same as the one between the interface (the .h file) and the implementation (the .c file) of a C library. The following analogy helps to make the difference easier to understand. A deliveries company promises to pick up your package in Amsterdam and deliver it in New York. This is what the company does. How the job will be done — whether the package will travel by ship or by airplane, for example — is an internal matter of the company.
In short, the documentation of a function is a manual that gives complete instructions on the correct use of the function. (In this sense, the idea of documentation coincides with that of an API.) First, the documentation must specify what the function receives and what it returns. Then it must state, very precisely, the effects the function produces, i.e., the relation between what the function receives and what it returns.
A correct documentation is a matter of intellectual honesty,
as it gives the reader/ Table of contents:
Elsewhere in this site
there is a function
that finds the value of a largest element of an array.
Here we repeat that code
together with a perfect documentation:
Notice how simple and precise the documentation is.
It says what the function does
but does not waste time trying to explain how
the function works
(for example, whether the function is recursive or iterative,
whether it scans the array from left to right or from right to left,
and so on).
Notice also the absence of useless comments
See next some examples of bad documentation of the function.
To simply say that
is indecently vague,
as it does not mention the parameters n
and v
of the function!
To say that
is a little better, but still very vague,
as it does not state the role of parameter n.
To say that
is better, but still vague: the reader does not know
whether the array is
or v[1..n].
To say that
is almost good, but withholds the information that the
function only makes sense
when n ≥ 1.
In another chapter of this site
there is a function that
decides whether a number x
is equal to some element of
an array v.
Here is the code of that function
together with a perfect documentation:
The documentation describes, in a precise and complete manner,
what the function does.
It does not waste time trying to explain
how the function does the job.
Contrast this with the following examples of bad documentation.
To say that
is a little vague,
since the reader is left to guess what the function returns.
To say that
is very vague,
as it does not explain the role of the parameter n.
To say that
is absurdly vague,
since it does not even mention the parameters of the function!
Here is a the code of a function accompanied with perfect documentation:
1. The documentation of a function
has the important role
of separating the responsibility of the programmer
from that of the user.
It is the responsibility of the programmer to say
what are the valid values of each parameter of the function;
it is the responsibility of the user to check, before calling the function,
whether the values of the arguments are valid.
With this undestanding,
the programmer is freed from the burden of checking the validity of the
and can dedicate all his/her attention to the design and coding of
the function.
(In critical production code,
the programmer may, of course, wish to check
the validity of the arguments.)
2. In the other chapters of this site,
for typographic expediency,
the documentation of many functions is not integrated with the code
(as a // comment )
but rather embedded in the text that precedes the code.
3. There are excellent tools
for integrating code with documentation.
See, for example, the
CWEB system of There is one situation where comments embedded in the code are useful.
The body of many functions consists of an
iterative process
(controled by a
that holds at the beginning of each iteration,
i.e., a relation that does not change from one iteration to the next.
These invariant relations
explain the iterative process
and lead to a proof,
by induction,
of the correctness of the process,
i.e., a proof that the process has the desired effect.
Example 1.
The function max
finds the value of a largest element of v[0..n-1].
The comment embedded in the code states the invariant of the iterative process:
Example 2.
Let's say that a segment v[i..j] of an array v[0..n-1]
is constant
if all its elements have the same value.
The function scmax receives an array v[0..n-1],
with n > 0,
and returns the length of a longest constant segment.
The comment embedded in the code states the invariant of the iterative process:
Invariants are essential to understand why
a function, or an algorithm, is correct.
Correctness proofs
based on invariants figure
in the chapters dedicated to
binary search,
to basic sorting algorithms,
to mergesort,
to heapsort, and
to quicksort.
Invariants do, sometimes, help to choose between
two equivalent versions of a piece of code:
the more elegant version has simpler invariants.
The extra parentheses are superfluos
because the operators < and !=
take precedence
over &&.
Documentation example
// The following function receives a number
// n >= 1 and an array v and returns the
// value of a largest element of v[0..n-1].
int max (int n, int v[]) {
int x = v[0];
for (int j = 1; j < n; j += 1)
if (x < v[j])
x = v[j];
return x;
index j
will traverse the array
and x is the largest up to now
polluting the code.
the function returns the value of a largest
element of an array
the function returns the value of a largest
element of an array v
the function returns the value of a largest
element of an array v that has n elements
the function returns the value of a largest
element of the array v[0..n-1]
Another documentation example
// Receives a number x, an array v, and
// an index n >= 0. Returns 1 if x is in
// v[0..n-1] and returns 0 otherwise.
int find (int x, int n, int v[]) {
int j = 0;
while (j < n && v[j] != x)
j += 1;
if (j < n) return 1;
else return 0;
the function decides whether x is in
the function decides whether x is in the
array v
the function decides whether a number is
in a given array
One more example
// Receives x, v, and n >= 0 and returns j
// such that 0 <= j < n and v[j] == x.
// If such j does not exist, returns n.
int where (int x, int v[], int n) {
int j = 0;
while (j < n && v[j] != x)
j += 1;
return j;
Exercises 1
This function receives integers p, q, r, s
and returns the average of p, q, r.
What is wrong?
This function receives integers p, q, r
such that p <= q <= r and returns
the average of p, q, r.
What is wrong?
Notes about documenting a function
literate programming
by Donald Knuth.
As a concrete illustration,
this is what a program looks like
before it is automatically converted into
C code.
Invariants of an iterative process
or a while
In such cases,
you may enrich the documentation by stating
the invariants of the iterative process.
An invariant is a
relation between the values of the variables
int max (int n, int v[]) {
int x = v[0];
for (int j = 1; j < n; ++j)
// at this point, x is the value of
// a largest element of v[0..j-1]
if (x < v[j])
x = v[j];
return x;
int scmax (int v[], int n) {
int i = 0, max = 0;
while (/*A*/ i < n) { // at the point A,
// 1. max is the length of a longest
// constant segment of v[0..i-1] and
// 2. i == 0 or v[i-1] != v[i] or i == n
int j = i+1;
while (j < n && v[j] == v[i]) ++j;
if (max < j-i) max = j-i;
i = j;
return max;
Exercises 2
x is the largest element
of the part of the array v
examined so far.
Criticize this claim.
// the function receives an increasing array
// v[0..n-1] with n >= 1 and returns the
// length of a longest constant segment
// of the array
Questions and answers