The event’s second edition happens on November 18 and December 9, 2024, at Edificio Antonio Galves, CEPID Neuromat headquarters.
The Research, Innovation, and Dissemination Center for Neuromathematics (NeuroMat) will hold the “Random Graphs in the Brain II” workshop in São Paulo on November 18 and December 9, 2024. In its second edition, the event aims to consolidate and expand NeuroMat’s foundations set in the first workshop, discussing novel approaches to model cognitive learning and community detection within neuronal networks.
The interdisciplinary workshop for scientists and students in experimental neurophysiology, neuroanatomy, functional imaging, probability, statistics, and computer science has an entire program from 9 AM to 6 PM. Moreover, the event will be divided into two sessions and coordinated by professors Florencia Leonardi and Aline Duarte from IME-USP, and Claudia Vargas from the Biophysics Institute Carlos Chagas Filho at UFRJ, who make up the scientific committee of the workshop.
In the first session, on November 18, presentations are scheduled by Peter F. Stadler, André Fujita, Ítalo Pinto, Andressa Cerqueira, and Kanika Bansal, followed by a general discussion session led by Claudia Vargas and Florencia Leonardi.
In the second session, scheduled for December 9, the speakers Eva Loecherbach, Guilherme Ost, Aline Duarte, Morgan André, and Kádmo Laxa are expected to present, followed by a final discussion led by Professors Florencia Leonardi and Aline Duarte.
The event will occur at the Antonio Galves Building, Av. Luciano Gualberto, 1171 – Cidade Universitária, São Paulo, and will be streamed live on YouTube.
For external participation, please contact neuromat@numec.prp.usp.br.
By Camila Bernardes | Institutional Support Service