Company’s name: Agilbits
We are a software development and consulting company. We work with agile methodologies and the best available platforms. We aim at solving problems according to our clients’ context; hence, our services range from solutions development to consulting and coaching on leadership and specific course elaboration.
We have more than three years of experience in developing desktop Java applications with Eclipse RCP platform. It has been more than five years working with Ruby and Java for Web Systems development using a range of frameworks (such as Rails, Sinatra, VRaptor and Struts).
Our staff has an active participation in free software communities, as well as agile methods and has offered various courses, lectures and workshops to pass their knowledge on.
Company’s name: Caelum – Ensino e Inovação (Teaching and Innovation)
Inception Date: 2004, during Paulo Silveira’s Master’s Degree in Computing and his brother’s (Guilherme Silveira) graduation in Pure Mathematics.
Caelum was founded in 2004, after one of the Brothers came back from Germany. It now has branches in 3 capitals, with more than 85 staff members. Open source, trainings, development and agile methods are part of the company’s day to day. IME, its faculty and the university ambience have had a fundamental role in the company’s foundation. During graduation years, its creators took part in innumerous projects with professors; from the disciplines manager, the students’ curriculums catalog and the events management at the Statistics Department were born a number of open source projects, some of which are now part of Free Software Competence Center (CCSL). Certainly, proactivity has also played an important role in this entrepreneurial trajectory.
Main cases: Porto Seguro, Petrobras, Locaweb,, TVA
Main Technologies: Java, Ruby on Rails, Scrum, Kanban, Lean and Android
Company’s name: Devworks Game Technology
URL: /
Inception Date: 2001, by IME Master’s Degree Alumni
Devworks was a pioneer in the development of advergames in Brazil and has worked in many areas, such as mobile games, consoles and internet, before focusing on creating and developing multiplayer game website Gametrack (, which has since been its sole occupation.
Company’s name: EvoBooks
EvoBooks is a digital publisher focused on educational content, whose creation aims at assisting educational institutions, teachers and students by fully using available technologies. The company’s staff includes very experienced and highly qualified professionals from education, visual programming and design. EvoBooks offers a collection of high quality digital classes which allow not only to value the teacher in the classroom, but also to transform the learning experience before, during and after the class.
EvoBooks was founded in 2011 by two education managing consultants at Bain&Company, one of the largest and most prestigious management consulting companies in the world, and by one Doctor in Computing Science by IME-USP, who is specialist in graphic computing and 3D systems.
– Property technology and customized layout for clients.
– Developed for optimal interaction with enriched content.
– Customization for institutions.
– Compatibility with PCs and Android and iOS platforms.
– exclusive 3D interactive content adapted for Basic Education
– Interaction with objects, onscreen notes and objective communication focused on concepts learning.
EvoBooks’ associate directors are Felipe Rezende, Carlos Grieco, Gustavo Rahmilevitz and Guilherme Otranto (Doctorate Degree Student at Computing Science at IME-USP). Guilherme is CTO at EvoBooks and is involved with technological innovations involved in products development. The company aims at being leader in the Brazilian publishing market.
Company’s name: Grupo Direct
Direct Talk was founded aiming at assisting companies and clients to relate better. We do this by developing the software used in call centers. We start with a first product: online chat. Later, wideness grew – e-mails management, phoning, processes management, self-care, video, etc.
The company was founded by four people, being 3 of them colleagues in the Computing Science course at IME. We had founded another company in 1996 (during our second year at IME), which gave birth, in 2000, to Direct Talk.
We now have more than 200 clients (check it out at our website) and every month 5 million calls are made using our systems.
We have been awards a few prizes: twice among the best IT and Telecom companies to work in (Great Place to Work – 2008/2009); Best service solution by clients’ assessment (Consumidor Moderno – 2009); Among the 200 largest IT companies and among the 10 with larger growth (Informática Hoje – 2008).
What was once a company turned into a group – we set out other companies with new entrepreneurs using the structure, the brand and the clients portfolio. In 2005, we founded Direct Marketing (relationship marketing), Direct Performance in 2007 (campaigns and digital BI), Direct Labs and Scup in 2009 (both focused on social media), Direct B2 in 2009 (CRM and infrastructure).
Company’s name: Infomobile
Infomobile is a spin-off from USP, founded in 2006 and part of USP’s Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Technology Center (Cietec). The company focuses on innovation, mobility, multimedia and information recovery.
It possesses a strong R&D branch, which performs projects along research groups at universities such as USP and UNIFESP. Some of these innovation projects are financed by foster institutions such as FINEP and FAPESP.
Currently, its main product is OnAir. Developed in a Master’s Degree Thesis at IME-USP, OnAir is a software that uses artificial intelligence techniques in order to look for and recover multimedia (videos and audio) given in large collections.
Main software assets are: greater productivity, once there is no need to go through the whole video or audio; research efficiency, once research is made in the spoken content, not only in key-words or summaries; and easy access to multimedia information.
Infomobile associate directors are Vladimir Moreira Rocha and Eduardo Leal Guerra, Masters in Computing Science at IME-USP. Vladimir is the CEO, involved in the conception and insertion of innovative products, while Eduardo is the CTO, and is involved in products development. Together, they lead the company since its inception.
Company’s name: Iteas Soluções Digitais Ltda
Inception Date: Mar/2012
Founders: Claudivan Ribeiro, Alberto Bueno Jr, Tiago Nicolosi Bomventi, José David Curado (IME/USP)
Iteas is a company that was born from the union of 4 students at IME-USP, focused on the development of na educational platform called Profes. Launched in March, 2012, in less than 6 months our base of registered teachers has become the largest in Brazil and, hence, we became reference in the serach for private teachers. In April, 2013, the company was incubated in Cietec.
Our objective is to expand the platform for some neighbor countries (Argentina, Chile, Colombia, Mexico and Venezuela) and to create solutions and applications that assist the interaction among teachers and students through the web.
Company’s name: K19 Treinamentos (Trainings)
Inception Date: Founded in August, 2010.
K19 was created by professional graduated in Computing Science at USP, who are highly experienced in IT trainings and consulting.
The company’s main objective is to offer trainings related to Java and .NET platforms, with high quality and accessible costs. These trainings prepare our students for the labor market, which demands more and more qualified IT professionals.
In a short period, K19 has become a reference in Java and .NET teaching. Our courseware is widely used and recognized by the community and by public and private superior educations institutions.
Main Clients: Banco do Brasil, USP, TCE-RR, TRE-RN, ALESP, SENAC-RR, Claro, LSI-TEC and Itaú
Main technologies: Java, .NET and Android.
Company’s name: Kekanto
Inception Date: March, 2010
Founders: Bruno Yoshimura (BCC 2004) / Fernando Okumura (Law at USP/ MBA Stanford)
Associate: Allan Kajimoto (BCC 2004 – started in 11/2009)
Kekanto is a local guide where you find the best place to go near you, in your town or neighborhood. The website was created in 2009 by Bruno Yoshimura and Fernando Okumura, now joined by associate Allan Kajimoto and by Luciano Sugiura (BCC 2005). The team has 2 journalists (one from ECA USP) and a junior programmer.
Currently, the website displays the main social network characteristics: geolocalization from Foursquare (what is in the near), Facebook (what my friends are doing), Twitter updates (what goes on at the town or neighborhood?).
We deeply believe in geolocated publicity as a revolution of sponsored links nowadays, and this is the business’ current model. The additional model is a monthly “freemium” subscription, so that businesses owners may post special offers, videos, get in touch with their clients base and add basic info.
We are already in 150 cities in Brazil (+ Lisbon), once we follow a scalable business model. In this first year we managed to achieve 1 million and three hundred thousand unique visitors in a month (01/2011) and 70.000 subscribed users.
Our objective is to achieve the leadership in the local guide field, with a collaborative model, which would now mean 50 million page views a month. An expansion would follow: Latin America, Portugal and Australia.
Among the main Technologies that can be highlighted are:
– geolocated search (based on polygons);
– iPhone app (beta version on air and finishing definitive version);
– stacalability: cloud servers from Amazon, cache in all MVC levels;
– recommendation system (of places for user to get to know and write about).
Company’s name: Neurobox
Neurobox was created after many years of experience in software agile development, specially Extreme Programming (XP) and Scrum. Neurobox offers consulting, trainings and mentoring focused on agile methodologies for teams and companies interested in improving their results in software development.
Neurobox assists teams in achieving excellent software development results. We offer lectures (free) and trainings, promote events and offer support through mentoring for the adoption of agile methods in software development, such as Scrum, Extreme Programming (XP), Lean, etc.
Company’s name: The Story Boom
Description:The Story Boom is a platform for collaborative storytelling. People post their ideas for new stories, the community elects the best stories, we take the winner and transform it into comic books.
The platform’s objective is to allow people who have always dreamed about telling their stories to be able to transform their ideas into reality. It also aims at allowing readers to find a way of being entertained, in a rich, innovative and creative manner, whilst offering the possibility of participating in comics production and decision making.
Company’s name: Heavenstudio
URL da empresa:
Inception Date: 2010
E-mail de contato: contato@heavenstudio.
Heavenstudio is a consulting company focused on agile development that aims at transforming innovative ideas in digital products. Although it was recently founded, its staff encompasses many experienced programmers and dozens of clients that reach from small startups to big corporations such as Telefonica Foundation. Its members are tightly connected to the agile movement and mainly with Lean Startup, a know-how that is used to assist projects management and organization, to be executed so as to minimize costs in an uncertain environment.
Main technologies: Ruby on Rails, Meteor/Node.JS CSS3/HTML5, JQuery, Postgresql/MongoDB, iOS/Android, XP Programming
Company’s name: Uaná Technologia em Visão e Linguagem
Uaná develops products and services that are based on the combination of vision Technologies, natural language processing and machine learning.
Its mission is to provide and develop state of the art technology in these areas in order to allow its clients to become market leaders.
The company has been recently founded by three associates who took the Master’s or Doctorate Degrees at USP. All three have acquired experience working in large multinational companies and research institutions in Europe.
Company’s name: Whitehat Software
Whitehat, founded in 2001, is a company focused on software development with a vast experience in web applications and back-office systems. The company has already developed e-commerce systems, contente publishers, online relationship, web analytics and web survey, besides the first system for automatic domains registration in Brazil.
Founded by IME-USP ex-students has in its portfolio clients such as IBOPE, O Estado de S. Paulo, Siter, Company’s Namer, Integrated Systems Laboratory POLI-USP, Cristiana Arcangeli, Eliana, Psychoanalysis Brazilian Society, Imperdível, among others.