Documentary film “On the order of the invented – a mathematical look into arts” premieres at IME-USP

On March 29th, the Jacy Monteiro Auditorium of the IME-USP will host the premiere of the film “On the order of the invented – a mathematical look into arts”, produced by IME professors Christina Brech and Deborah Raphael, with the support of the Pro-Rectorate of Culture and University Extension, through the Notice USP/FUSP/Santander.

The 15-minute film invites the audience to reflect on the relationship between art and mathematics, using works from the Museum of Contemporary Art to support interviews with three mathematics professors from the University of São Paulo.

The screening was followed by a conversation with Professors Christina Brech and Pedro Tonelli of USP’s Institute of Mathematics and Statistics, and Rogério Monteiro of USP’s School of Arts, Sciences and Humanities, who participated in the filming.

Watch the video on the IME-USP YouTube channel
