The information below aims at assisting USP tutors to host other institutions’ students, both Brazilian and foreign. It can be especially useful for groups involved in bilateral projects, such as USP-COFECUB, CAPES-COFECUB, FAPESP-CNRS, etc. Some instructions can change with time; hence, it is important to consult with the Post-Graduation Secretary at you unit, as well as with CCInt (
A member of USP faculty who hosts, for a minimum period of three months, a post-graduation student from another institution, can request this student’s enrollment as a USP student. This will give the student the same rights of a USP student (HU access, transport card, student meal prices, CEPEUSP, etc.).
This right is enlisted in the Guidelines of USP’s Post Graduation, article 48, as follows:
Article 48 – The student who takes part in a partnership established by USP, working on Post-Graduation activities for a period equal or superior to three months, under the supervision of a tutor accredited at USP’s Post-Graduation, can be enrolled as a Program student or a student in the area in which the tutor is accredited.
§ 1 – This student’s enrollment in Post-Graduation shall be made effective by PRPG and will be valid during the stay at USP.
§ 2 – The student in this configuration will be subject to the norms and rules of the Course and Program of origin.
§ 3º – The student aforementioned will be allowed to take disciplines with the right to a certification.
In the case of foreign institutions, there is a model for partnership text at CCInt webpage:, at the partnerships tab, item: Convênio Acadêmico Internacional para Intercâmbio (International Academic Partnership for Exchanges). The model is simple, but may be out of date. Consult with CCInt and SPG at yout unit in order to gather up-to-date information.
Rules have been recently changed, with the objective of making partnerships approval more agile. Presently, by USP’s part, the interested unit at USP signs the partnership, in the person of its Director. All model references to “Universidade de São Paulo” should be substituted, in the form, for “Instituto de Matemática e Estatística da Universidade de São Paulo”.
The partnership text must be written both in Portuguese and in the student’s institution mother language, in case it is not Portuguese. The partnership text can be adapted. However, the closer it is to the model, more quickly shall its processing be within USP.
It is also necessary to determine which of the student’s university institution is the one with which the partnership will be made. If it is the university itself, or the unit in which the student is enrolled, e.g.. It is also necessary to discover who will sign the partnership as the student’s institution representative.
Once the partnership text is ready, it must be submitted to approval by the faculty member Department Council and by the Institute Congregation. Once this is done, signature can be collected (the Director’s and the other institution representative’s) and the partnership can be registered at the Mercurio System, by the Partnerships Sector at IME.
Once the partnership is registered in the Mercurio System, it is processed by some departments at USP in order to be approved. Once approved in the Mercurio System, the faculty member must send a letter do CCP at his/her post-graduation program, requesting the student’s enrollment. In this letter the period during which the student will remain connected to the program must be defined.
CPG can then register the student at Janus (USP Post-Graduation System), submitting the enrollment to central departments. Once the enrollment is approved, the student is granted all the rights of a normal USP student.
As previously stated, these procedures can change from time to time. It is fundamental to consult with the SPG and the CCInt in order to implement the correct procedure.