Our program offers scholarships provided by CNPq and CAPES, reserved for our best students with full dedication to the prorgram. The value of the scholarship for Master’s is R$ 1,500.00 per month. The Doctoral scholarship value is R$ 2,200.00 per month. Prospective students can apply for the scholarship through the application form.
Periodically, the Coordinating Comitee opens new scholarship opportunities for regular students.
Master’s scholarships have a maximum duration of 24 months – counting from the student’s entry in the program. For the Doctorate, this period is of 48 months.
Post-Doctoral Position
Detailed information about PNPD/CAPES scholarships can be obtained here.
FAPESP grants
An important alternative to CAPES and CNPq agencies is FAPESP. This agency has dynamics (deadlines, requirements, tuition) which are distinct from the other two agencies. Applications for scholarships can be made by FAPESP through a project sent directly by the student and his/her tutor. With higher values than those offered by the other two funding agencies, FAPESP requires relatively simple annual reports to be made on projects that develop within normality. Applications for scholarships from FAPESP require a combination of excellence involving the tutor and student’s research project. Considerable part of our researchers and graduate students has clear conditions of sending competitive projects, both for Masters’ and Doctorate scholarships. Some projects have been submitted, approved and had great success. Detailed information about the scholarships can be obtained from the address
PEC-PG Scholarships for foreign students
Capes, CNPq and Fapesp provide financial support for students based on academic merits regardless their nationality. Students from certain countries of Latin America, Caribbean, Asia, Africa and Oceania can also apply for scholarships granted by the Brazilian agencies from their home countries. For more details visit
Participation in events
Please read the items below that describe the eligible items for Master’s and Doctoral students of the Post-Graduation Program in Statistics, the documents to be submitted in the application and information for accountability. FAPESP grantees and CNPq doctoral grantees should preferably use their board fees for participation in events.
Events in Brazil
The participation of the student regularly enrolled must fit into one of the two cases below:
- Participation in courses that do not exist in the program’s curriculum and are necessarily linked to dissertations or theses;
- Participation in scientific events with paper presentation.
The eligible items for refunding for events in Brazil are:
- Tickets (flying tickets must be acquired by the Institute);
- Registration fee at the event: maximum value of $ 350.00;
- Urban mobility (public transportation), food and lodging (up to five consecutive days): daily support may not exceed U.S. $ 200.00.
Note: In cade there are many students, and in case it is advantageous, you can replace the tickets for a collective vehicle renting (legal entity) and in this case students not supported by PROEX can also take part in the event.
Events abroad – only for doctoral students
In the case of events abroad, the doctoral student must be regularly enrolled.
The eligible items for refunding are:
- Ticket(flying tickets must be acquired by the Institute);
- Registration fee at the event: maximum value of $ 500.00;
- Urban mobility (public transportation) , food and lodging (limit of seven consecutive days): maximum value of $ 150.00 per day.
In order to participate in international events the following restrictions must be observed:
- The student must be the lead author of the paper to be presented at the event;
- Articles to be submitted must be related to the research work on the student’s doctoral dissertation;
- Participation must be oral or in a poster session, in events of acknowledged international importance in the field of knowledge;
- The student must present the proof of acceptance for his/her article at the event.
Documents to be submitted - Request signed by the student detailing the amounts requested for each of the items corresponding to this request. Values must be strictly within the limits stipulated in this document;
- Letter from the tutor, justifying the student’s participation;
- Copy of the accepted paper/article;
- Letter of Acceptance and advice received;
- Information about the event, registration fee, etc..
- In case the student is a FAPESP grantee or a CNPq doctoral grantee, who thus receive their board fees, a document must be included justifying the need of the resource request from PROEX.
About accountability
Read carefully the instructions below on accountability. The reimbursement of your expenses will be made only if they are observed. You will need to bring original invoices as described below, as well as a copy of the certificate of paper presentation in the event. To prove the use of airline tickets, boarding passes need to be presented. For questions, contact Rosana in Accounting Service (tel: 3091-6488).
Airline tickets must be purchased by the Institute. Send an e-mail to requesting the ticket purchase, indicating the day and time of departure and arrival and indicating if it should be purchased with money from PROEX-MAE.