super destaqueAlfredo GoldmanXXI Conferência Brasileira de Lógica NewsOpen Admission for the Graduate Program in Probability and Statistics at IME-USPProfessor Fabio Kon is the newest Associate Editor of the Communications of the ACM journalFirst Brazilian on board: IME-USP Professor Joins IEEE Computer Society Board of GovernorsProfessor Jairo Zacarias Gonçalves was honored at the 27th Algebra School Previous11234Next EventsIME-USP hosts the Brazilian Logic SchoolWorkshop Random Graphs in the Brain IIWorkshop “Bridging Borders: International Geometric Analysis” honors Professor Paolo Piccione at IME-USP“Groups, Rings and Group Rings 2024” International Conference celebrates the 80th birthday of Prof. César Polcino Milies Previous11234Next Compartilhe