
The Institute was officially established on January 15, 1970, through the University Reform, which consolidated mathematics, statistics, and computer science professors from various university departments into one unit. In 1993, the Institute formalized its four departments and offered courses. At the beginning of 2002, the Bachelor’s Degree in Applied and Computing Mathematics was introduced.

IME is an institution dedicated to research, learning, and teaching in Computer Science, Statistics, Applied Mathematics, and Mathematics. It serves the community through several specialized centers: “Centro de Ensino de Computação” (CEC), which provides computing courses; the “Centro de Aperfeiçoamento do Ensino da Matemática” (CAEM), which focuses on professional development for mathematics teachers in public schools; the “Centro de Estatística Aplicada” (CEA), which offers project support and statistical consulting for researchers; the “Centro de Matemática e Computação Aplicadas” (CEMCAP) which collaborates with companies and institutions on Applied Mathematics and Computing; and the “Centro de Competência em Software Livre” (CCSL) which promotes the development and use of free and open-source software beyond the university.

The IME-USP also hosts the Research Support Center for Stochastic Modeling and Complexity (NUMEC) within its facilities. This project, coordinated by Professor Dr. Antonio Galves, a faculty member of the Statistics Department, is part of the Pro-Rectorate of Research.

Currently, the Institution is considered a benchmark in all its areas of activity. Its premises have five buildings (Blocks A, B, and C, CCSL, and Numec) dedicated to administration, teaching, and research.

In addition to its robust infrastructure and opportunities for collaboration with leading international institutions, IME-USP students benefit from access to the Carlos Benjamin de Lyra Library, one of Latin America’s most comprehensive libraries in the field of Mathematics. The Institute also features the Matemateca, a collection of physical objects designed to help people engage with mathematical concepts interactively. 

On January 15, 2020, the Golden Jubilee of IME-USP was celebrated. Through the effort and dedication of its students, faculty, and staff, the Institute has created a history of success over these 50 years of operation.


