The Research and Innovation Committee of the Institute of Mathematics and Statistics (CPqI-IME) is responsible for producing and promoting scientific material in various areas of Mathematics, Statistics, Computing, and Bioinformatics (the latter being an Interdepartmental field).
Within the scope of the Committee’s competencies, its responsibilities include: providing support and validation, ensuring compliance with norms, both in planning various research activities and programs, encouraging scientific research for both undergraduate and graduate students, as well as collaborating with the CPG (Graduate Program Committee) in relevant activities, and guiding scientific initiation activities.
To accomplish this, the Committee relies on the work of the Academic Support Team, a faculty representative and their alternate, from each department of IME, holding at least a doctoral degree, and a student representative and their alternate, elected by their peers, among those enrolled in doctoral programs at IME.
Pesquisas do IME-USP contra a covid-19
Conheça as várias ações do IME-USP para ajudar no combate à pandemia.
Pesquisas em desenvolvimento:
Pesquisas do IME-USP contra a covid-19.