Scientific Initiation

The Scientific Initiation is one of the research programs. Undergraduate students have the opportunity to work with researchers from IME-USP and their research lines, which allows for learning and development of more advanced concepts and methods than those usually seen in regular undergraduate courses, including current research topics.

First steps to becoming a researcher

The project can be interdisciplinary and the contact between student and researcher can be spontaneous, according to the intended research line.

The Project must be registered in the Atena system by the project advisor and approved by the CPqI of the Unit. If the requirements are met, the validation of the project results in a certificate that attests to the development of the research and its workload, which includes participation in the International Symposium on Scientific and Technological Initiation of USP (SIICUSP, see below).

There are a number of scholarship opportunities for Scientific Initiation projects. In general, they are intended for undergraduate students to carry out research activities under the guidance and responsibility of a qualified researcher. CNPq, CAPES and FAPESP offer Scientific Initiation scholarships.


CNPq (National Council for Scientific and Technological Development) offers two types of scholarships through its PIBIC program.

  1. CNPq Scientific Initiation Scholarships are allocated to universities as quotas, which are then distributed to university units and finally assigned to individual projects. At USP (University of São Paulo), the Pro-rectory of Research is responsible for the administration and distribution of quotas to the units. This program is called the Institutional Program of Scientific Initiation Scholarships (PIBIC/USP/CNPq). At the Institute of Mathematics and Statistics of USP, the selection and monitoring process of participating projects in the program is coordinated by the Research and Innovation Commission (CPqI). The PIBIC scholarships have a duration of one year, starting in August and ending in July. As a result, the selection process usually begins in April when the general guidelines and the schedule for submitting applications are announced. Registration for the selection process is made at the Pro-rectory of the Research Commission, and it involves the presentation of the research project, academic record, filled forms, LATTES curriculum of the supervisor and the student. For more information, students and/or supervisors should contact the Research Commission during the selection period to obtain accurate information about the entire process or wait for the information to be released.
  2. Researchers who are CNPq productivity scholarship recipients can also submit their scientific initiation project to obtain scholarships for their students directly to CNPq, according to calls that are released every three years (starting in 2004).


The Scientific Initiation scholarships from CAPES are part of the Special Training Program (PET). This program is institutional and is linked to the Pro-rectory of Undergraduate Studies. PET groups can be implemented in any area of knowledge, either by the initiative of course councils or by the initiative of one or more departments involved, and they must have a qualified researcher as a tutor.


The Scientific Initiation scholarships from FAPESP must be proposed by the advisor directly to the institution. The application must be submitted using the appropriate form at any time of the year. The evaluation process takes approximately 75 days. All information about this type of scholarship can be obtained on the FAPESP website.


PICME is a program that offers university students who have excelled in Mathematics Olympiads (medalists of OBMEP or OBM) the opportunity to pursue advanced studies in Mathematics alongside their undergraduate studies. Participants receive the scholarships through a partnership with CNPq. For more details, please visit the PICME website.

Presentation at the annual Symposium is mandatory for students whose projects have been enrolled in the Scientific Initiation Program at USP, in conjunction with other requirements. Students present the results of their research activities at SIICUSP.

CPqI is retrieving scientific initiation projects developed at IME, which were presented at SIICUSP over the years, dating back to three decades ago. Check out some works from the Department of Computer Science that are already available. (Contents in portuguese.)

Pre-Scientific Initiation

The Pre-Scientific Initiation Program at USP is an initiative by the Office of Research – USP that aims to support research projects in the fields of exact sciences, life sciences, and humanities. The program aims to awaken and stimulate the interest of students in the public education system by providing them with the opportunity to participate in research activities and familiarize themselves with the procedures and methodologies adopted in scientific research. It offers opportunities for personal development, knowledge enhancement, and preparation for future professional life.

The Institute provides scholarships for students participating in Pre-Scientific Initiation projects. The application should be made by the project supervisors, following the guidelines provided in the Pre-Scientific Initiation project registration form.
