Yablonowsky Fellowship

Postdoctoral fellowship

The Yablonowsky Postdoctoral Fellowship aims to attract young researchers in all areas of Mathematics, including Applied Mathematics, Statistics, and Computer Science who have concluded a doctorate in other institutions of excellence and recognized in the area, to develop research at IME-USP, for a period of up to two years. The research grant is funded by the Yablonowsky Fund.


Announcement poster
[ english | portuguese ]

Yablonowsky Fund

The Yablonowsky Fund was established in the name of IME-USP, and is managed by it, based on the legacy of Mrs. Eugênia Yablonowsky, with the aim of promoting scientific research in Mathematics at USP, thus honoring her husband, Pedro Yablonowsky, a Mathematics enthusiast, who lived in São Paulo with his wife during the first half of the 20th century.

In addition, scholars rewarded by the scholarships will compete for a cash prize also funded by the fund. The amount of the prize is a one year scholarship. The first prize will be awarded to the scholar who is considered to have produced the best work during the respective scholarship period, among all scholars up to that point.

The management of the Yablonowsky Fund by IME-USP is the responsibility of the Fund’s Management Council.

Yablonowsky Fund’s Management Council

Prof. Dr. Ronaldo Fumio Hashimoto

Prof. Dr. Carlos Eduardo Ferreira (Computer Science Departament)
Prof. Dr. Jaime Angulo Pava (Math Departament)
Prof. Dr. Alexandre Roma (Applied Mathematics Departament)
Prof. Dr. Vladimir Belitsky (Statistics Departament)
