The IST-IME meetings are organized biennially by the Instituto Superior Técnico (IST-Lisbon) and the Instituto de Matemática e Estatística (IME) of the Universidade de São Paulo (USP). The broad purpose of the meetings is to promote the interaction of researchers from both institutes among themselves and with researchers from other institutions. The main topics of the event will be Analysis and Applications. This edition is a Satellite Conference of ICM2018.
Finally, it is worth mentioning that we will have the opportunity to honor Prof. Paulo Cordaro on occasion of his 65th birthday.
This international workshop will be held at Institute of Mathematics and Statistics (IME-USP) of the University of São Paulo, São Paulo (Brazil).
To register, please send an email to 7thistime at entitled "7ISTIME" provinding your name and affiliation. If you have any doubts right now, please write to the organizers using the same email address.
Deadline for registration June 15th, 2018.
Our event will feature a limited number of short talks. Interested participants are welcome to submit an abstract. The submissions should be made by the email 7thistime at in the form of an abstract. The estimated time to speak will be about ten minutes.
Deadline for submission June 15th, 2018.