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Fw: Fwd: CONFERENCE: 25th IWSM (IWSM2010), Glasgow University, Scotland, 4-9th July 2010
- Subject: Fw: Fwd: CONFERENCE: 25th IWSM (IWSM2010), Glasgow University, Scotland, 4-9th July 2010
- From: "Alexandra M. Schmidt" <alex@im.ufrj.br>
- Date: Mon, 30 Nov 2009 22:19:06 -0300
---------- Forwarded Message -----------
From: Alessandro Fasso' <secretary@environmetrics.org>
To: Recipient list suppressed:;
Sent: Tue, 01 Dec 2009 00:34:33 +0100
Subject: Fwd: CONFERENCE: 25th IWSM (IWSM2010), Glasgow University, Scotland,
4-9th July 2010
>From: "Claire Ferguson" <c.ferguson@stats.gla.ac.uk>
>25th Anniversary of the IWSM (IWSM2010)
>First Call for Papers
>The 25th International Workshop on Statistical
>Modelling will be hosted by the Department of
>Statistics at The University of Glasgow from
>5th-9th July 2010 with a short course on Sunday 4th July.
>Our scientific committee are in the process of
>inviting an impressive and exciting range of
>speakers, including Ian Dryden and Murray
>Aitkin, and Giles Hooker will present a short
>course on Functional Data Analysis. Additional
>events are also being arranged as part of both
>the academic and social programme to celebrate 25 years of the workshop.
>Papers are encouraged from all areas of
>statistical modelling and the deadline for
>abstract submission for oral and poster presentations is 5th February 2010.
>For further information about the conference,
>abstract submission and 25th anniversary
>celebrations please see the conference website
>at <http://www.stats.gla.ac.uk/IWSM2010>www.stats.gla.ac.uk/IWSM2010
>We look forward to seeing you in July 2010,
>Best Wishes,
>IWSM2010 organisers
>Dr. Claire Ferguson
>Department of Statistics
>Direct line: +44 (0)141 330 5023
>Fax: +44 (0)141 330 4814
>Mathematics Building
>University of Glasgow
>15 University Gardens
>Glasgow G12 8QW
Alessandro Fassò
Secretary of TIES
University of Bergamo
Via Marconi 5, 24044 Dalmine BG I, Italy
Skype: alessandro.fasso
Office: tel. +39 035 2052 323,
Personal: Cell. +39 338 8026 616,
fax. +39 035 7423 1165
email: secretary@environmetrics.org,
Skype: alessandro.fasso
------- End of Forwarded Message -------
Alexandra Mello Schmidt, PhD
Professora Adjunta
Instituto de Matemática - UFRJ
Caixa Postal 68530 Rio de Janeiro - RJ
CEP:21.945-970 Brasil
Tel: 0055 21 2562 7505 Ramal (Extension) 204
Fax: 0055 21 2562 7374
Cash your dreams before they slip away. Lose your dreams and you lose your
mind (From the "God of Small things").
Gentileza gera gentileza (Profeta Gentileza)
<blockquote type=cite class=cite cite=""><font size=3>From: "Claire
Ferguson" <c.ferguson@stats.gla.ac.uk><br>
<b>25<sup>th</sup> Anniversary of the IWSM (IWSM2010) <br>
First Call for Papers<br>
</b> <br>
The 25<sup>th</sup> International Workshop on Statistical Modelling will
be hosted by the Department of Statistics at The University of Glasgow
from 5<sup>th</sup>-9<sup>th</sup> July 2010 with a short course on
Sunday 4<sup>th </sup>July.<br>
Our scientific committee are in the process of inviting an impressive and
exciting range of speakers, including Ian Dryden and Murray Aitkin, and
Giles Hooker will present a short course on Functional Data
Analysis. Additional events are also being arranged as part of both
the academic and social programme to celebrate 25 years of the
Papers are encouraged from all areas of statistical modelling and the
deadline for abstract submission for oral and poster presentations is
<b>5<sup>th</sup> February 2010</b>.<br>
For further information about the conference, abstract submission and
25<sup>th</sup> anniversary celebrations please see the conference
website at
<a href="http://www.stats.gla.ac.uk/IWSM2010";>
We look forward to seeing you in July 2010,<br>
Best Wishes,<br>
IWSM2010 organisers<br>
<b>Dr. Claire Ferguson<br>
</b>Department of Statistics<br><br>
Direct line: +44 (0)141 330 5023<br>
Fax: +44 (0)141 330 4814<br><br>
Mathematics Building<br>
University of Glasgow<br>
15 University Gardens<br>
Glasgow G12 8QW<br>
<font size=1 color="#0000FF">Alessandro Fassò<br>
</font><font size=1 color="#008000">Secretary of TIES<br>
University of Bergamo <br>
Via Marconi 5, 24044 Dalmine BG I, Italy
</font><font size=1><b>Skype</b></font><font size=1 color="#008000">:
</font><font size=1 color="#0000FF">alessandro.fasso<br>
</font><font size=1><b>Office</b>:
tel.</font><font size=1 color="#008000"> +39 035 2052 323, <br>
</font><font size=1><b>Personal</b>:
Cell.</font><font size=1 color="#008000"> +39
</font><font size=1 color="#0000FF">338 8026
616</font><font size=1 color="#008000">, <br>
</font><font size=3><b>fax</b></font><font size=1>.</font>
<font size=1 color="#008000"> +39 </font><font size=3 color="#008000">035
7423 1165<br><br>
</font><font size=1 color="#008000">email:
</font><font size=1 color="#0000FF">secretary@environmetrics.org</font>
<font size=1 color="#008000">, <br>
homepage: <br>
</font><font size=1>
<a href="http://www.unibg.it/pers/?alessandro.fasso"; eudora="autourl">
</a><b>Skype</b></font><font size=1 color="#008000">:
</font><font size=1 color="#0000FF">alessandro.fasso<br>