Typos in Discrete Fourier Analysis and Wavelets: Applications to Signal and Image Processing ====== The following typos were found during 2 semesters in which the book was used at IME/USP. * p. 104, Exercise 2.19, line 3 should read "(...) coefficients $\hat{a}_{k,l}$, $\hat{a}_{m-k,l}$, $\hat{a}_{k,n-l}$, and $\hat{a}_{m-k,n-l}$.". * p. 126, Example 3.1, all data from $\hat{B}$ ($\hat{B}$, $q(\hat{B})$, $\tilde{B}$, and error values) are wrong. The corresponding code is on Octave examples from the class of 21/09. * p. 146, 4th paragraph, 3rd line should read "(...) equation (2.6) in Chapter 2.". * p. 165, the formula for $Y(z)$ should be expanded as $-8z^3-4z^2-2z$. * p. 184, 5th paragraph should read "(...) zeros out all components $x_k$ with $k>m+M-1$". * p. 186, last paragraph should read "Equation (5.6) makes it obvious that the $N-$point DFT $Y$ is not identical to $X$ but is distorted by convolution with $W$, the Fourier Transform of the window vector.". * p. 207, 2nd paragraph should read "In general, the $k$th component of $v_l$ is $(1/2)(x_k + x_{k-1})$ if k is even and $(1/2)(x_{k+1} + x_k)$ if k is odd. The $k$th component of $v_h$ is $(1/2)(x_k-x_{k-1})$ if $k$ is even (...)". * p. 213, 3rd paragraph, 2nd line the equations have double opening parenthesis. * p. 222, 4th paragraph should read "But within the range $0 \leq m \leq N-1$ equations (6.15) only require knowledge of $U(X_l)$ and $U(X_h)$ on at most the range $-N/2 \leq j \leq N/2$." * p. 224, first paragraph of section 6.5.3 should read: "If all convolutions in the finite case are circular, then $X_l=DM_{la}x$ and $X_h = DM_{ha}x$, where $M_{la}$ and $M_{ha}$ are the circulant matrices for the analysis filters and $D$ is a matrix that represents downsampling. * p. 270, Figure 7.3, figures seems to be mirrored. They are synthesized like this if we switch filters of analysis and synthesis. Compare the situation of figures 7.2 e 7.4 (mirrored) with figures 7.13 e 7.14. * p. 274, Equation 7.6, there should be no $2^{k/2}$ there. * p. 288, last line of Equation 7.30, missing $+\delta_0$ on the sum.