8:   What are appropriate messages for gnu.emacs.help, gnu.emacs.bug,
     comp.emacs, etc.?

  The file etc/MAILINGLISTS discusses the purpose of each GNU mailing-list.
  (See question 20 if you want a copy of the file.)  For those lists which
  are gatewayed with newsgroups, it lists both the newsgroup name and the
  mailing list address.

  comp.emacs is for discussion of Emacs programs in general.  This includes
  Emacs along with various other implementations, such as JOVE, MicroEmacs,
  Freemacs, MG, Unipress, CCA, and Epsilon.

  Many people post Emacs questions to comp.emacs because they don't receive
  any of the gnu.* newsgroups.  Arguments have been made both for and
  against posting GNU-Emacs-specific material to comp.emacs.  You have to
  decide for yourself.

  Messages advocating "non-free" software are considered unacceptable on
  any of the gnu.* newsgroups except for gnu.misc.discuss, which was
  created to hold the extensive flame-wars on the subject.  "Non-free"
  software includes any software for which the end user can't freely modify
  the source code and exchange enhancements.  Be careful to remove the
  gnu.* groups from the "Newsgroups:" line when posting a followup that
  recommends such software.

  gnu.emacs.bug is a place where bug reports appear, but avoid posting bug
  reports to this newsgroup (see question 10).